Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Ned Kelly Meat Pies

It's amazingly cold and miserable outside, and that sort of was a theme for the day.  We've got sniffly noses here, so no taekwondo tonight.  It was a yucky sort of day today.  Daddy spent the morning returning the video game cabinets, and with that came a challenge to rent a vehicle, driving cold rain, and over the course of an hour, a missing credit card.  Yikes.  Fortunately, that one was found, having fallen on the carpet between two chairs.  Not sure how it happened, but it really stinks when you lose things!

Fortunately, I got home and had a Ned Kelly meat pie.  This is a specialty meat pie from Australia that has just about everything in it.  And it's delicious and warm!  There's an Aussie Bakery not far from here in Cumming, but it has some morning hours that make it difficult to get to with our schedules.  But we made it last week when we went to the chiropractor, so we were able to pick up some meat pies for later.  And this one hit the spot!

I'm not entirely sure why we want to name a pie after Ned Kelly.  He wasn't exactly a noble sort, and in fact a killer.  But he's something like Billy the Kid to Australians, something like a folk hero worthy of naming a meat pie after.

Tonight we watched Star Wars Rebels when we got home, and read before bedtime, which is always nice.  Sometimes these days just seem terrible, and it becomes easy to focus on the negative:  Madison was sick, and she was so upset that she lost some big Minecraft progress she had worked on an hour or something like that (that time increased the further away you got from the story).  But there's a lot to be grateful for, including a warm house just to start with, and family time reading, and blankets, something to watch together... oh, and a tasty Ned Kelly meat pie.

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