Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hear ye! Hear ye!

So finally here is a picture of Madison's door, this time with all fourteen hearts on it that we've put on, one day at a time starting on February 1st.  Since then, we've had one heart per day put on her door, each one with a reason listed why we love her.  She got to see the final heart this morning, one that says, "Happy Valentine's Day!"

And it was a happy Valentine's Day for us, with a nice little display in the kitchen to see, one that surprised Madison.  There's the Frog Prince down there, just one kiss!  But there are a few gift items there - Mommy got a nice card and a DVD set of the Shirley Temple show, something we were wanting to pick up because we loved the "Babes in Toyland" episode so much, we thought the others would be just as fun.  We'll see.  Daddy got some nice things too, including a movie we'd watch tonight, "The North Avenue Irregulars."  This was a movie Daddy remembers watching repeatedly as a kid, and tonight we watched this before bedtime together.  It's probably been over twenty-five years since I've last seen this movie, but I still remember what people were going to say before they said it! And there it was, the scene where Cloris Leachman broke her nails, and the impromptu musical number "Roll Out the Barrel" brought back happy memories.

But what Madison saw brought the biggest smiles.  She opened up the heart at the middle, and saw a scroll, one that looked like this:

Not only that - Mommy got her a Medieval dress as well, something nice to wear tomorrow night.  Yes, that's when we're going to Medieval Times for dinner, and the show.  Madison was really excited about this, talking about how cool the sword fights were with the clanging sparking strikes of each weapon strike.  She can't wait to go back!

It was a great morning!  Mommy made pineapple and cream cheese for bagels, and we had a great breakfast, and then we were off to school and work today.  It was a really nice morning!

Madison got to do some fun for charity today, competing in a few games along the way as well.  One thing she did was shoot hoops, and it turned out in the short time shooting, she got in nine points and won the contest at school.  Her prize of choice was a small Rubik's cube, which we've both been fascinated by as of late.  Daddy is determined to figure this one out, so during taekwondo, he and one of the assistants (and a few others) were attempting to solve the puzzle trying to figure out the algorithms.  And here's a bigger question:  where is the vowel at the end of algorithm?  Who took it?

Anyway, it's been a great day.  Daddy got the script done for Sunday, along with a lot of other work.  We had a great dinner tonight, and we also read before bed this evening, a little later tonight after the movie.  Madison doesn't have school tomorrow, so we all get to sleep in!  That said, it's been a pretty nice day Valentine's Day!

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