Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Designer Dress

Madison has designed this unique dress, amongst others, in her latest artistic endeavors.  She's going back and forth between coloring in stained glass window images, and of course designing her own dresses.  This she does in between all the studying.  Tonight she didn't have studying so much to do as she had to finish up her presentation on Sydney, Australia.  It came out rather well, and it was all done all by herself.  Daddy looked on afterwards, just to check for typos and so forth, and the presentation looks good!

Tonight we had taekwondo, and it we're getting closer to that St. Patrick's Day green belt.  Madison got her third stripe on the belt today, which is pretty much paving the way for her to get that green belt very soon.  She's got the forms mostly down, even practicing at home.  Daddy moves some furniture around for that one, and you can hear her thumping on the floor as she aggressively changes postures and does a new form.  I have no idea what she's doing, but she does, and she's very confident in it all!

Madison was also confident in her skit at school today, the one they'd been working on where she's a "popular girl" that is offering the other kids some drugs.  A-ha!  Acting in school!  Of course, it's all rather simply done - but along those lines we were working on the "Acting Up" class that we'll be continuing this upcoming Sunday.  We were doing that throughout the day, coming up with a decent lesson plan that I think will work for our guests and students.  Im not sure how many will show up, but I think it will be fun, and educational.

The bus driver is still missing today, which of course is probably related to the events of last week.  Also, speaking of school, we're going to see the "Seussical" play the school is putting on, in just a few short weeks.  Jaycie is in that, and once again we're going there to support her and her acting friends.

It was a quiet day today, with more of that precipitation coming down lately, our lake is amazingly full, the fullest it has been in forty years, they say.  That's pretty full.  Just ten years ago, we were just getting there to full pool again, after such a long wait, and continued draughts.  These things come in cycles, don't they?  We're in the wet cycle now!

We read tonight, and prayed tonight, and thanked God for a dry, warm house.  It was a good day today!

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