Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Spider-Verse Valentine's Day Cards

Each year Daddy tries to make some Valentine's Day cards that would be cool to hand out at school.  Of course, Madison is getting older and this year in fact won't be handing these out - she's making her own origami flowers that she'll be handing out to classmates.  These flowers have taken her a while to do, and she's spending a good deal of time on them as a little side project.  Within each flower is a small unique message, usually some compliment that is really thoughtful.

The cards above are for KidPak, something that will have a message on the backside that simply says Happy Valentine's Day or something like that.  Also on the back will be church times and the address, just in case.  Each year I've done this card series, and I usually find something current to put on there. Last year it was Winter Olympic sports, as that was going on at the time.  This year, Spider-man is definitely in.  Madison loved this movie, as do all the kids her age, pretty much.

Tonight we had a great night at KidPak. We were actually talking about Spider-man at one point, about his Spidey-sense, and how it alerts Spider-man to something going on around him.  We have that built in sense too, the voice of our Heavenly Father pointing out people in need of help.  It was a good night.

As usual, Madison was home today, in order to get a good night's rest.  Daddy came home to read, the three of us sitting on the couch together reading Peter Pan, and our devotional too.  We did a lot of work today, setting up for this weekend and more.  Madison had a good day too, still involved in her Sherlock Holmes drama at school.  She's got other things going on too, but this has been a recent highlight for her - she's having fun at school.

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