Thursday, February 7, 2019

Setting SunTrust

So the sun is setting on SunTrust, which is the big news of the day.  It is merging with another bank to become the sixth biggest bank in the country.  How it relates to us is that we've been customers for the past few years, and that we know a few folks that work at SunTrust.  We'll see as the year goes on what happens next, but the sun is clearly setting on this once prominent southern bank.

Today was taekwondo, and a lot of studying too.  Some of these nights are like this, getting home from school, and it's still go-go-go.  There has to be time for studying, but Madison also wants to go to taekwondo, and you have to eat food... so there's a bit of a struggle there to squeeze it all in.  Tonight, Daddy used a lot of his saved up points to drop by the gas station and get Madison her favorite on-the-road snack:  taquitos.  There's a new flavor out that is a bit spicier, so she's pretty happy there.

We've been doing a lot with the Summer Xtreme material lately, as registration time is here.  Of course, we've been doing audio recordings, but there's a lot of planning going on lately.  The logo above has been a work in progress.  We're going back and forth about t-shirt colors, and destinations too.  Some things are certain, but other details we still have to nail down, and will of course.  We've been doing these since 2004 now.  This is number fifteen that Daddy has been a part of, and the last one for Madison as well.  We'll make it a great one.

Tonight after studying, we went to bed for reading devotional and Starcatcher books.  The girls are really into this third story, and hey, we've just met the character of Slightly.  I've always liked that one!

Anyway, it's been a busy day with school and work and lots of going here and there.  Taekwondo was great as always, with Madison doing a bit of sparring and a learning different forms.  They're focusing on getting past a certain level and earning a stripe - in just one more month, she might have an opportunity to advance to a new belt.  Won't that be something?

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