Monday, February 11, 2019

Another Heart

In case you're wondering, we put another heart on Madison's door today, number eleven in fact.  Only three to go.  We put these on after Madison goes to sleep, so actually as of this moment, number twelve is on there (with Madison asleep in her room).  Daddy sneaks down the hall and tapes it to her door as she sleeps, hoping she doesn't hear or wake up!

The fog was extremely thick today, as Yukon Cornelius would note, "as thick as peanut butter."  We had lots of rain today to go with it as well.  It was a gloomy sort of day, the kind of weather you'd expect to see in London or something, although lately the kind of weather we've had a lot of.

There is a flu virus going around, and we've been blessed to not have it.  We were collectively sick earlier as a family, somewhere in November and December, and it lingered a bit, but wasn't as severe as it can sometimes get.  This one seems to involve a stomach virus, and a lot of our friends and companions have been falling victim to it as it sweeps around the area.  Sending off Madison to school is something we do after prayers each morning:  "Lord, protect her!"  And He does, of course. She's been pretty healthy this year compared to others.  We had one slight illness, but it wasn't enough to take her out completely.

This morning Mommy and Daddy watched "The African Queen" together, a little date movie while Madison was at school.  Thank goodness for the library, where you can rent a lot of these older movies.  Tonight, Madison was watching Rebels Recon for season three of "Star Wars Rebels," and that pretty much wrapped up the end of the season for us.  We're big fans of even the Rebels Recon, of the Chopper segments and the interviews and behind-the-scenes bits.

Actually, we'll miss this show a lot.  The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to say I like it more than "Clone Wars" for this reason or that.  But the big reason is the respect for Ralph McQuarrie's original Star Wars artwork.  A lot of the scenery in this series, and a lot of characters too, are all inspired by that original artwork, a fact that seems to slip by some folks.  It's a loving tribute, and in fact there are plenty of other loving tributes within the show.  It's a lot of fun for Star Wars fans, and the three of us like watching these a lot.  We also like watching the "Agents of SHIELD" series, which has recently dropped another trailer for the next season - it starts much later, in fact after the release of the next Avengers movie.  We're not entirely sure what's happening with that show, but we'll all be there together watching it.

Madison did her piano today, and we had some taquitos on the way home.  We had some ice cream too, actually.  It's nice stopping for an ice cream together!

We read tonight, creeping closer to the end of this third book in the series.  We're also reading from our new "Romans" devotional, and it's a nice time together each night.  I never take it for granted.  It's a sweet moment, one you wish could last on and on.  She's growing up fast, and I wish it could slow down just a bit.  Still, there's another day tomorrow, and another heart, as time marches on.

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