Thursday, February 21, 2019

Lost World Logo

So the dinosaur messages are in place, and we were reviewing them today, all eight of them.  They're going to be great, and once again God has given us some gems with an exciting theme of all kinds of dinosaurs from the spinosaurus to the ankylosaur to the pachycephalosaur to of course the T-Rex.

It was a decent day, a fun day for ministry in a way because Daddy has been meeting in person and on the phone ministries from all over, and amazingly, they're either wanting to see or use our ministry material all over the place.  There's a church in Maine, one in South Dakota, a few in New York, one in Florida, one in South Georgia, a few in Tennessee, and of course there are the locations in South Carolina and California that use the stuff we write here in Georgia.  And beyond that, I've seen the stuff I write go out to other countries too - all of this is very gratifying.

This morning, I was at a breakfast in Clermont, speaking in person with various children's church leaders around the larger community here, and it was nice to touch base with a lot of folks, and listen to their passions and visions.

We had a work day today, as you can see, and Madison was doing well in school today with a little skit that she had to write for her health class.  She was the "bad guy" in the skit, tempting others to use illegal drugs.  She had fun with that!

She was sparring tonight with taekwondo, and after that we had time to watch some Star Wars Rebels, watching a few episodes with loth cats.  Madison loves loth cats!

It's pouring rain even now, and it's going to continue for a while this week.  So we're settling in for a pretty amazing quantity of water.  It helps you sleep at night though, which is nice.  But otherwise, it's just cold and somewhat miserable outside, depending on the temperature.  This week, we've seen lots of variety with the temperatures.

We did our reading tonight, and Madison didn't have to do any studying for anything because of the field trip she's going on tomorrow.  That should be nice!

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