Friday, October 12, 2018

Ralph's Photo Wall

Here's our new photo wall we have set up in the KidPak lobby, and you can see Madison is one of the first kids to pose in front of the wall.  Of course, it is based on the idea that Ralph has busted through the wall, but instead in this photo op, it's the kids busting through.  Madison probably could bust through, as she's been working out quite a bit lately!

In completely random news, there's been a new trailer for a live-action version of Disney's "Aladdin" that has come out.  I feel about this the same way I did about the live-action version of "Beauty and the Beast."  Why make a live action version of what is pretty close to perfect?  The only answer is to make money, of course.  But as far as it actually being any better, just like "Beauty and the Beast," it probably won't.  And that isn't knocking either live-action movie too much, as again, it's pretty much impossible to top the original.  And with this upcoming movie, this flow chart essentially explains how I feel:

Anyway, today was Friday, and though we've been out and about lately, tonight we stayed in.  We watched "Hotel Transylvania 3" and had popcorn, and played a few games.  Madison did some piano, but nothing else in regards to classwork.  

The big news was her test grade today, which was a "B."  This brought her total average for math down to a "B," which is in fact her first and only final grade as a "B."  So long as she tried her best, then we're okay about it, but it is pretty demoralizing to get an 89 at the last minute.  We were doing good, but then the rug sort of got pulled out under us.  We'll take a look at the actual test soon enough, but in the meantime, her report card will be out next week, all A's and one B.  That's okay, and we'll keep trying to improve.  You can tell Daddy is sort of going back and forth about this, but obviously we're not going to pounce on Madison when she gets home about any of this.  If she did her best, then that's all anyone can ask!

Anyway, we read some more tonight, and in fact we were reading some more X-Men comics, finishing up the short story of "The Soul Skinner," which featured the death of Peter's parents, which is just another bummer of a thing to happen to Colossus, the poor guy!

I think we only have four more chapters in "The End," at which point we'll reach the end of this current book series.  We read another chapter tonight, and things are certainly wrapping up, although there are still plenty of questions remaining.  Still, Madison can't wait to hear what's happening next.

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