Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pumpkin Pop Tarts

Themed breakfast is in full swing here with pumpkin pop tarts each morning, this along with the possible selections of the other themed cereals we still have in the pantry.  We got these right away - strangely, Madison likes the outside parts of the pop tarts more than the middle, even with so much chocolate in there.  Go figure!

Tonight was our small group night, which went well - we were carving pumpkins this afternoon, all of those in order to be used for our illustration in class tonight.  Nevertheless, these are the first carvings of the year, something Daddy is a bit more fond of doing lately, particularly because of those special carving tools Mommy got him for his birthday one year.  These tools are all lined up like surgical equipment in this carrying pouch, and I can carry it with me and open it up to use one of about a dozen different tools for specific pumpkin carving purposes.  Naturally, when anyone asks to  borrow one of my tools, I'm pretty quick to say, "NO!"  Yes, these are my artist tools, the implements of a fine master craftsman, and I don't let just anyone use these pumpkin carving devices!

Anyway, it was a decent day today.  Madison had her math quiz, which she ultimately got a B on, which I keep hearing Lydia from "Beetlejuice" say:  "I got a B."  Madison did her best, and that's what matters - we saw her study a lot last night, sacrificing time and effort, and if something went wrong on her end, it was all an accident and not for lack of trying.  We're proud of her.

We had a full moon tonight, which might explain the behavior of some of the kids outside.  If it weren't for the lateness of the hour in returning home, I just might have pulled out the telescope.  That will happen soon though, so Madison can study the moon more closely, and hopefully a neighboring planet or two.

Dinner was nice together - Mommy cooked up a fish burger with a little bit of chipotle in there to add some spice, and some guacamole on top.  It was delicious!  We got to spend a little time together, but because Madison had a few tests coming up, she stayed home to get a good night's rest.  That was just fine with everyone.  Daddy still got to read from Nancy Drew, and a little from the devotional, but that was before running off to church tonight.

Madison has started watching season three of "Bunk'd," a show she used to watch a lot.  Season three has apparently just came out, and she's quite addicted to it, very much binge-watching the show from episode to episode.  We just have to ride this one out, as we all know what binge-watching is like!

But things are going okay here.  The grades are taking a little dip, but her piano practice is proceeding nicely, and she's doing well with taekwondo.  Most importantly, her character is superb.  She can't wait to get to church, and races in after her involvement in skits just so she can hear Pastor Lance - or whoever - speaking the message of the day.  She's a bit of a slob, and we're working on that somewhat.  She leaves things on the floor or spreads out her work all over, or leaves popcorn on the couch.  And we have to address it frequently.  But overall, she's doing really well, and of course we're so very proud of her.

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