Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hang 10, Dudes and Dudettes!

Today began the start of a new series, "Hang 10," which had all our characters back to the beach for the first service in quite a long time.  We used to do these "beach" themed series a lot, and it's good to be back.  You can see the Big Kahuna back there sitting down in his chair, taking a siesta.  Just like in the movie "Beach Party," he's a character that will sit there for the entire series, as the cast waits to see his toes twitch and his head arise - and then suddenly he'll say something really profound!

In the meantime, we're all just here ready to surf!  The skit was fun today, as was the message, an overview about the Ten Commandments and their importance.  

We found the old surfing races, these animated races that pit three surfers against each other, and of course everyone is wearing Hawaiian shirts, or in Nerdo's case, a "lifeguard trainee" shirt we just made for him yesterday.  I printed the decal and Mom ironed it on.

Notice the shark's tooth around my neck there, hanging lower.  Mom made that yesterday, and it came out so well that several people were really taking a good look at its detail.  She did a great job.  Also, that t-shirt came from the Georgia Aquarium a few Summer Xtreme ago.  

Finally, that inflatable surfboard... it's been in a package, waiting for this moment.  We picked it up at this book store on the Georgia Florida border, a place we used to go to all the time for books and resources, just to look around.  It was a great resting point, just stopping to see what they have.  We got so many ideas from that place that we used in KidPak, one of them being this series.  They had overstock of all kinds of VBS material, including this inflatable surfboard that we picked up over fifteen years ago.  It says "Hang 10 - Surfing through the Scriptures."  Great prop!  I picked that one up on stage and was ready to go off surfing with it!

Maddie and the younger cast members were with Camille this morning, doing some more acting exercises and then looking up things in the Bible to talk about.  They were testifying about miracles and sharing stories in that direction.  It's been so good.  Camille is good to continue this, and Maddie and her friends are good to continue with it too - everyone's been enjoying it quite a bit.

After service there was another KidPak Meeting about safety and security, and we were also cleaning up that office and preparing it for the Great Whitening.  The whole church is being painted this brilliant white color, with our area as usual being the last thing thought of.  But we got a lot of things moved around again.

This afternoon we got a rotisserie, and we got some rest too.  Maddie and I were back at Middle Earth and we're about 95% done on our return visit, thrilled with the Mithril Hairbrush that changes people's hairstyles when you whack them with it.  

Tonight's movie was "Teen Beach Movie," of course.  We hadn't seen this in years.  But it holds up well and all of us really enjoyed it.  Thus, we shift from "Exodus" movies to "Beach" movies on and off.  It'll be fun.

We finished a story about that lonely creature in the trash compactor on the Death Star this evening, a rather curious little tale.  And then, prayers... and off to sleep, dreaming of totally righteous waves to surf on!

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