Sunday, April 14, 2024

Exodus Finale

How coincidental that this morning's message was about God's protection and deliverance of the Israelites.  Last night we were praying for protection over Israel, as it was once again under attack.  We woke up to these amazing media reports about the attack launched on Israel:

     * 185 out of 185 Kamikaze Drones were shot down
     * 103 out of 110 Ballistic Missiles were shot down
     * 36 out of 36 Cruise Missiles were shot down
     * 7 Ballistic Missile impacts have been recorded on Israeli territory

This morning we headed off to KidPak once again, ready to have a great service and a great Sunday.

And so there we closed out - I think - our Exodus series with a fantastic message based on the movie, "The Prince of Egypt."  Given that the movie features so many scenes based on events from the Bible, you can imagine the movie largely preached for itself.  Nevertheless, Bailee was out there delivering a great word about God's faithfulness and the choice we have to follow Him and help share His love.


KidPak Adventures:  Exodus
Prince of Egypt




HOST:  “Hello again, and welcome back to our last message of ‘EXODUS!’  Today we’re going to see some clips from a movie that shows some of the incredible moments of the Exodus story, a movie called ‘The Prince of Egypt.’”




HOST:  “This is an amazing version of the story of Exodus, and of course it all starts with the suffering of God’s people, in the land of Egypt.”


CLIP ONE:  “Deliver Us” (after "Dreamworks logo to end of song - loooong clip!)




HOST:  “Deliver us!  That was the desperate cry of the Israelites, and you could see why.  While some look upon the statues and pyramids of Egypt with awe, these slaves couldn’t wait to get away from it all.  If you’ve been paying attention at all through this series, you know that God could hear them loud and clear.  And who was it that He sent to save His people?”

Let audience answer.


HOST:  “That’s right.  Moses.”




HOST:  “Although he doesn’t look like much of a deliverer right now.  In fact, he looks kind of helpless.  Especially when his mother is forced to put him in a small basket sent down the Nile River.”




HOST:  “The truth though, is this.  His steps, even those little tiny baby steps, were ordered of the Lord.  And never forget yours are too.  Perhaps at times your life may feel like you’re in a basket, tossed and turned this way and that.  Danger pops its ugly head up.  There are things you see and things you cannot see that can sink your future.  

HOST:  “But God sees you.  He is with you.  He is for you.  Before you were born, He set you apart.  He has a mighty plan for you, because you are the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.  That’s right, you’re a prince, or a princess!

HOST:  “That’s our first point today.  You’re a prince.”


CUE SLIDE:  “POINT ONE:  You’re a Prince.”


HOST:  “Or a Princess.  And no, you’re not a Prince of Egypt.  But you are something greater, a child of the Lord who rules over all.  Listen to this scripture.”


CUE SLIDE:  “2 Corinthians 6:18”

HOST:   “I will be your Father.  You will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord who rules over all.”



HOST:  “He’s looking out for you.  And He was certainly looking out for Moses, as he was growing up like an Egyptian.  He was probably doing important things while there in Egypt, right?  Let’s see what he’s up to.”

CLIP TWO:  “Chariot Race” – from chanting priests down below chariot race scene to end of scene, with Moses saying, “Not a chance!”


HOST:  “Okay, he’s not exactly saving the world.  But if you had a choice between being a person of higher status or being a slave, what would you choose?”  


Let audience answer.




HOST:  “But of course when Moses sees the suffering of God’s people – Israelites just like him – it begins to eat up at him inside.”



HOST:  “He sees the whips, the hardships, and all the awful things happening.  It’s at this moment that Moses makes a choice.  And it is not the best choice at all.  Our Bibles tells us that Moses kills an Egyptian.  And now things are worse.  He’s forced to flee Egypt, and run away from everything he’s ever known.”


HOST:  “But here once again we see how God has watched over Moses.  And yes, things turn around for him.  He finds a family and happiness far from Egypt.  But years later while watching over his flock of sheep, Moses is about to find something else very unusual.”


CLIP THREE:  “The Burning Bush”  


HOST:  “Moses is once again faced with a choice.  Back in Egypt, he saw the suffering of those people.  He had a choice to either stay in comfort there, or give it all up.  And once again, now he has a choice to stay where its safe, or go and stand up for what is right.  This brings us to our second point.”

CUE SLIDE:  “POINT TWO:  You have a choice.”


HOST:  “You have a choice.  You do.  God isn’t asking you to go talk to kings about freeing slaves.  But He does see the suffering of His people.  And I think you do too.  There are people all around us that need our help.  He’s asking you to step out of your comfort zone to do something daring:  to show God’s love to those who need it the most.”



HOST:  “All around us, there are people in bondage, people in darkness, people without hope.  And our Heavenly Father has put you right where you are now so that you can play the role of a hero like Moses. Are you willing to help others?”


HOST: “Moses was certainly was.  He did just what God asked:  he told the Pharaoh to let God’s people go.  But Pharaoh wasn’t willing.  Still, never ever forget that God is with us always.”


CLIP FOUR:  “The Nile Turns Red” 



HOST:  “Moses had faith in God, but Pharaoh certainly didn’t.  So things got worse and worse for the Pharaoh.  He had a choice too, and unlike Moses, he made the wrong choice.  He wouldn’t let God’s people go, and because of that, all of Egypt suffered.  Plague after plague came upon Egypt, until the night of Passover, when all the firstborn in Egypt died, and Pharaoh had no choice but to let God’s people go.”


HOST:  “But you probably know what happens next.  Pharaoh changed his mind and sent all his armies.  Moses and the Israelites were trapped on the shores of the Red Sea!  But don’t worry.  When we choose to serve God, He makes a way for us.  That’s our final point, in fact.”




HOST:  “Wave Goodbye.  Challenges may come up, but when we serve God, He’s right there to help us along.  The Red Sea was a pretty big challenge, I’d say.  But I think you know what happens next.  It’s one of the most jaw-dropping moments in the Bible.  

HOST:  “Remember back when Moses was drawn out of the water?  How amazing that God once again led Moses safely through the water now!”

CLIP FIVE:  “The Red Sea”  - crossing the Red Sea!




HOST:  “This time, Moses was walking those footsteps that were ordered of the Lord, straight forward, and you guessed it, right through the middle of the Red Sea.”

HOST:  “The Israelites were free because one man – Moses – made the right choice and obeyed God.  He may not have been a prince of Egypt anymore, but when he chose to show God’s love to others, Moses certainly was acting like a child of God.” 


HOST:  “Let us pray.”    



So while that was going on, there was no time for a script.  We had enough people to cover the service, so Camille and I devised an idea for our cast to have a small group session, and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I was with the end result.  To begin with, we played an acting game, a leftover idea that really worked from our "Acting Up" days here at KidPak.  That was an acting class we had for a time after church.  Players were each given different things to be when getting on the bus, so you had this bus filled with different characters doing different things at the same time, and it was the bus driver's task - and those watching - to figure out what each person was.  One was afraid of chairs, one was germaphobic, one thought this was a roller coaster, one was a Swiftie, one was on the Titanic, one thought she was a squirrel, one was Moses... it was fun!

The next part was powerful, as each one was tasked with finding scriptures online about serving and humility.  They wrote them down on sheets of paper, and afterwards it was time to share, one at a time.  And that's when the testimonies sort of starting spilling out, and it was just a beautiful moment, listening to these students and friends share their stories.  It was a really strong morning.

So afterwards, we got a rotisserie chicken and brought it home for a great meal, and it was a typical Sunday afternoon after that.  Mom and Maddie were working on Maddie's prom dress somewhat.  There's still plenty to do there.  Mom is working a lot on the prom dress, fixing up what arrived in the mail so it will look great on Maddie this upcoming Friday.  Maddie is very excited about the prom, looking forward to it!

We were revisiting Middle Earth for a bit today, and we're actually pretty close to finishing it to 100% for the second time.  This is a big game.  My favorite character is still the blacksmith, who looks on at you stoically as he presents his bow and arrow that shoots carrots.  There's almost an apology in his eyes, and perhaps it's just a sincerity of a master craftsman, delighted to hand you both a powerful axe made of pure gold and and sword that makes squeak toy noises.  A great moment is at the end of the game when you get to earn him as a character.

Anyway, the Apefest continued tonight with a new movie for Maddie, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes."  It's movie number seven so far in the series, so we've been at it a good bit.  And this is such a good movie.  It's really a different movie altogether from the last six of them, the big difference of course is that these apes are CGI instead of people with make-up and costumes.  That being said, I still love the idea of humans in costumes.  However, this movie is done so well, and Andy Serkis is just amazing as the main ape character, Caesar.  Maddie thought the explanation to how the apes take over was better than the one offered in "Conquest" and "Battle."  The new and more believable idea is that humans wipe themselves out with a rapidly spreading lab-created virus, and that monkeys actually became super intelligent because of an experiment that increased brain cell function.  This movie came out before 2019, so the whole lab-created virus wiping out millions of people was sort of prophetic.  We just didn't get any super intelligent monkeys out of the deal.

Anyway, we enjoyed tonight's flick, and now there are two left to watch at home for Apefest.  Tomorrow is school, so we got to bed at a decent hour, and read another short story "From a Certain Point of View," which comes from the point of view of that stormtrooper that bumps his head in the Death Star.  Funny how obscure things get - and we may have to watch "A New Hope" again after all this reading.

We said our prayers tonight, and got to bed shortly after tucking in everyone.  It's been a good weekend.

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