Thursday, April 25, 2024

Another "Perfect Date"

Well here we are at the "perfect date" again, April 25th.  The more that recurring memory strikes us, the more it cements the fact that we should probably watch that movie on this date each year:  "Miss Congeniality."  It's a funny segment, and a fun movie too.  

Today may not have been perfect, but it was a good day overall.  Maddie had another pre-cal test that was pretty big.  She had taekwondo tonight too, of course, helping with instruction and then attending leadership afterwards.  We got home after that and we watched the latest episode of "X-Men '97," which has been pretty heavy of late.  It's almost as if this were part of a "What if..." series, one where the mutant and human conflict really goes to the next level, with lots of casualties in the mix.  The loss of Gambit... we're still not over that one.  Gambit is of course, one of the favorites.  Okay, he is my favorite.  And this show actually killed him off.  Of course they didn't have the guts to kill Magneto for real.  Like that is supposed to make us feel better or something.  Anyway, back to Gambit.  The rajun Cajun is an absolute favorite of mine and yes, I gave the limited series of comics from back in the day, not to mention all the early X-Men books that feature him in them.  I do not have that first appearance, as much as I regret not getting that one.  Yeah, I should have picked that one up when I had the chance.  I do have Deadpool #1 and the first appearance of a few other characters like Domino and Jubilee.  And suddenly this one comic I have with Deadpool vs. Wolverine is a little more valuable.  But back to Gambit.  He was the coolest hero outside of Wolverine, who of course everyone loved and still does.  But Gambit sort of went under the radar, this suave and flirty Cajun with the long trench coat and exploding playing cards.  Playing cards?  What kind of weapon is that?  Don't think about it too much.  He throws cards and they explode.  As Stan Lee would say, " 'nuf said!"  


Anyway, Maddie and I watched that tonight, along with the in depth analysis we usually watch on another channel.  We might have to start watching the X-Men movies now, come to think of it.  And pull out those old comics again.   As Gambit might say, "I have no problem with 'dat."

We closed out the day with reading again, and we're approaching the end of the book.  The Death Star is about to go down, and things will turn around again.  And hopefully we'll see that with "X-Men '97" too.  And in the office.  Our KidPak office is in shambles at the moment, new furniture coming in and new paint on the walls.  It's been rough moving around so much stuff and keeping the other regular things going, but we're doing our best.

After prayers tonight, it was time for bed.  Not a "perfect" date, but not a bad one either!

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