Friday, July 21, 2017

Descendants 2

This was the big event of the night, something we were actually able to see on opening night.  It was like the live plays they show on television, where everyone is seeing something for the first time.  Everyone who's interested, of course.  In this case, "everyone who is interested" would be a whole lot of people around Madison's age.  This is the sequel to "The Descendants," which is called - appropriately enough - "Descendants 2."

Madison cooked up a few things of popcorn, and Daddy bought the soundtrack, and we were set.  Madison was thinking about this one for a while today, really looking forward to it.  There was even an after-party, a half-hour special after the movie that featured the actors from the movie.  Madison loved watching all of it, another late night for us here.  She said she enjoyed the movie, but not as much as the first one.  I think that's the general thinking here.  And based on the popularity and amount of people that watched tonight (I think some resource measured around thirteen million viewers), it seems as if there'll be a "Descendants 3."

Until then, there's the soundtrack to get used to over the next few months.  And perhaps another book.  We see that third book still out there, and might be picking up that soon, although Christmas will be here before you know it, and that might be something fun to tell Santa about.

Daddy was working the rest of the day, writing a devotional for Master Builders, the idea that Madison helped out with.  We're on only day five, but starting is the hardest part sometimes.

This morning, Madison was at the doctor's appointment for a regularly scheduled check-up.  But the issue of her skin was also brought up, as she's had a lot of breaking out on her forehead in particular.  A new prescription and cream is being suggested, so we'll go with that next, hoping it clears things up by the school year.

Other than that, it was a day to play piano, fold origami, and play LEGO Avengers.  Madison is Agent Carter on that game, along with her sidekick Angie.  There wasn't an "Angie" in the game, so Madison created that character.

School will be here soon.  We got the pencils and some index cards, so the whole list of school supplies is officially marked off.  We're ready to go there, at least with our supplies.  Mentally, it's still seeming too soon.  But yeah, soon enough we'll be running around with ballet, piano, and who knows what else.  Glad to do it too, as she's really enjoying all of it.  Being a taxi driver for your children is a calling you just answer, because you know that investment is so important, because you're taking her places, farther than ever.

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