Saturday, July 22, 2017

You've got Moxie!

Have you ever had this drink?  My first taste was in high school.  They had it at Betty's Country Store up in Helen, and we all thought we'd try it out.  It tasted like carbonated cough syrup, with a taste that lingered in your mouth a little bit more longer than you'd really wanted.  But tasting bizarre old sodas was our thing for a while:  it's how we discovered the wonder of Jolt Cola.  Before there were energy drinks, there was Jolt Cola.  Daddy is personally responsible for keeping them in business.  I can instantly recall the taste of Jolt Cola, which seemed to go perfectly on our lunch breaks in Helen.  We'd have that and some Italian food from the place down the street.  Garlic rolls and Jolt Cola.  I can't even imagine doing that now.  Anyway, all these old sodas show up over time.  We talked about Dr. Enuf, but did we mention celery-flavored soda?  Yeah, that's about as awful as it sounds.

But how about this Moxie tonight?  How was it?  Actually, it wasn't bad.  Perhaps the taste has changed somehow?  Whatever the reason, the three of us actually didn't mind the taste of Moxie tonight.  We might even get it again, at least for the bottle caps.  We had that with some Philly cheesesteaks, which Mommy makes so well.

We had rainstorms today, piano, and Disney Infinity.  Madison and Daddy were leveling up the remaining characters that needed to get to level 20.  Surprisingly, there are still things to do and look for in this game.  Madison had been enjoying it still.  It's been years since we first started collecting all those discs and people.  Now it's been a year since they broke everyone's trust and pulled the plug on the game.  But at least we have a lot of memories and still are having a bit of fun with it.

Madison saw a bit of origami this morning, and she's been trying to make an origami X-Wing fighter. She didn't do too badly, and she's learning the value of those crips folds.  It's an art you have to be really patient with, and she actually enjoys it.  Today there was a collection of various origami creatures lined up, watching the television with us.

And what is on television.  Agent Carter, of course.  Expect that title to show up for the next several days, as we binge-watch the remaining episodes of season 2.  Madison is absolutely hooked!

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