Sunday, March 23, 2014

Finding Calm in the Storm

So here's Nerdo releasing the mega-burp - the one last heard in the movie "Elf."  We recorded that one and used it, this great big long burp just for kicks.  I think it's part of his character.  Today's Storm Chasers skit had us lose one character temporarily - we suspect the worst, but he'll be back in a few weeks with a pretty good explanation.

And here's Daddy, preaching on a Sunday morning about going through the storm.  He got up pretty early for this one - about 3 am.  That's because there was the skit and the message to contend with this morning.  But everything went just fine, and there was actually a pretty good response from the kids - and a few adults too.  We shared Mommy's story, the one where we got through cancer and the adoption process and all the storm - all to get to Madison in the end.

It was a big morning.  And a sleepy sort of afternoon.  The weather was just right this afternoon, but we were pretty wiped out.  We did a bit of quasi-napping on the couch, while going back to Middle Earth for a while with Madison.  She had some piano homework to do, and other homework too.  But we were mostly in a vegetative state this afternoon.  Even worse, Daddy was starting to come down with the very same stomach flu that Madison had yesterday.

But the day was a success for certain.  Madison enjoyed the morning very much, and had a good time in the afternoon lounging about the house.  We all went to bed a bit early, after reading some Bible and some more Ka-Zar.  Daddy wasn't far behind Madison when it came to bedtime - we were zonked!

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