Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sea Monkeys and Mario

Our sea monkeys are doing very, very well!  Each morning I’ve been doing the aeration process a good bit, blowing bubbles in there and resisting the temptation to add another scoop of food - apparently you can only add one scoop per week, so Monday is feeding day for the little guys.  There are so many in there - I’ll have to try and get better pictures of them, but they move around so fast and are so small for the camera at least.  I’ll figure it out, but the Martian landscape is rather fitting for them all, certainly.  They’re part of the morning routine now, along with feeding the birds out there on the back deck too.

This was a mystery bird to us, and I think we’ve been mislabeling it for quite some time.  Initially we were thinking a junco or a warbler, but Mom found an image in her handbook and we think it’s called an Eastern Phoebe.  The way they swoop in and sort of attack the food suggests this too, and we were happy to hear that they eat spiders.  That will come in very handy in a few months when those yellow spiders come back again to haunt our woods.  We have plenty of other bird visitors, including Mr. and Mrs. Finch, who are always together to dine with us.  There may be another finch couple too, which we’re happy to play host to as well.  And the other usual customers are here, cardinals, blue jays, chickadees, tufted titmouse, downy woodpeckers, red bellied woodpeckers, sparrows, and of course the bluebirds.  There are more too, but not as many squirrels.  Still we have a few persistent ones left, plus Willy too.  He can stay, of course.  

We had Team Edge practice this morning, and that went well as always.  They had fun working on some aerial kicks, some v-kicks, and some other things that required the inflatable mat again.  One fun aspect of this is deflating the thing and rolling it up...

Looks like they're rolling up Mr. Gunderson... !  Ha!

This morning while Maddie was helping wrap up fellow students, I was busy setting up for Weird Science at that same time, and things are looking good for a fantastic launch tomorrow at KidPak.  We have new books, lab jackets, and all kinds of imagery and videos.  It should be super fun in the morning.

After taekwondo, we visited with Nana for a while, and she got to talk to her brother in England on the phone for a good long while.  Also, she spoke with her son George too, so we were glad to come and help with that.  Maddie was with us, and it was nice enough visiting, the four of us talking for a bit in her room.  

We went to the movies after that, although there was some shopping in between.  We got some groceries, some gift items, some shampoo for Nana too.  And some candy!  We got a box of candy each, and brought that over to the theater where we watched “Super Mario Brothers.”  This was a super fun movie, filled with references and items that fans of the video games would know.  There are so many fans too - I hear this movie is doing very well financially, and that’s because we’ve been waiting for something like this a long time.  The last Mario movie - the live action one we had growing up - was embarrassing.  It is like the Star Wars Christmas special, this awful thing attached to the franchise that people wish would just go away.  We might have to watch a bit of it some time, because it’s so awful!  This new movie, however, was great.  It looks like a sequel is on the way too, and that will be one we’ll line up for too!

Yes, we played Mario later.  We plugged in Mario Odyssey, and were exploring and getting new accomplishments done.  After watching all that Mario, we just had to play one of the games, right?  It’s a good movie though, and it was nice to be in the theater, sitting in that last row as we always do.  A good number of people were there to see it too, this after three weekends of being the number one movie of the year.  Make a good family movie, and people will come.

We ate at Chick-Fil-A today, visiting the newly refurbished location in Dawsonville and actually eating onsite.  It was just nice, the three of us together sharing a meal.  After that, we went home, and got ready a few more things for our new series tomorrow at KidPak.  We also squeezed in a few episodes of “Ultimate Spider-man,” ending our day with a few short chapters of our latest Kingdom Keepers book.  It was a great day today, and tomorrow should be a lot of fun too!

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