Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pummeling Cushions

Madison was having a fun time tonight at taekwondo, rolling around with a padded cushion.  The entire room was filled with students and these cushions.  The students were on their backs, and then rolled over on top of the large cushions, proceeding to pummel the cushions.  This is presumably because the cushions were on top of them, which of course is no place for a cushion to be.  Nevertheless, with each student, the cushion found its way back on top again - only to be rolled back down on to the floor and pounded into submission.

You might be tempted to defend these cushions, and ask the question, "Why are they beating these cushions senseless?  They're not actually attacking our kids!"

Don't worry:  these cushions are actually helping the kids, and can take a beating.  And boy, those cushions were taking a beating!  It is thrilling as a dad to see his daughter roll over something and beat it senseless.  I have no idea why.  Perhaps because it is so out of character for our daughter, who has such a big heart and loves everyone.  Yet look what can happen if you get on her bad side!  There's this unleashed, focused, well-trained fury.  Yes, Madison is getting weaponized, and the bottom line here is don't mess with her.  Or her dad, right?

Anyway, today we continued our fast, and I bring this up because Mommy makes this infused water that is just such a hit at the office.  We go through a couple of gallons of this per day, and I am not exaggerating.  It's simple:  she just puts mint, cucumbers and lemon slices into some water.  But it's refreshing and healthy, and perfect for our fast.  Everyone at the office loves it, to the point that we bring it in every day.

Madison was excited to see the new "Spider-Man" trailer that came out today, the international one at least.  Now suddenly there are all these superhero movies coming out soon, and it's a lot of fun to be alive right now.  Back "in the day," the superhero movies were pretty limited because there weren't many things we could do with special effects.  Early Marvel movies were the worst, in fact.  But along came the "X-Men" movies, and everything changed.  Soon after that, the first "Spider-Man" movie, and suddenly Marvel was back on top of things again.  At least with the movies.  As far as their actual comics go, you can't beat the earlier eras.  To that extent, we're still reading our comic series at home - Daddy read a few "Wolverine" comics with Madison today - we're still back in time a bit, currently before he loses his adamantium the hard way.  Don't tell Madison that yet - it'll come as quite a shock.  But Daddy has all these X-comics, and we're going through "X-Men," "X-Force," "X-Factor," "Cable," "Uncanny X-Men," "X-Men Unlimited," "Wolverine," "Excalibur," and quite a few more right now.  They all weave in and out to tell a larger story, and I've got quite a few of them to go through with Madison, so that she's getting a "proper" education!

She had a good day at school, and things are fairly normal there.  It's difficult to write about learning inequalities in math, although learning about tectonic plates is interesting.  This morning when we talked about tectonic plates, we showed Madison a video online of Victoria Falls, and then a map of the big crack in the earth that goes straight north from there right up the middle of Israel.  Of course, there are all kinds of prophecy about that one.  But the falls were amazing to see, and there at the edge of the falls is that one pool - the Devil's Pool.  Perhaps you've heard of this?  It's a place at the edge of Victoria Falls where you can swim right up to the very place where the water goes over - and be completely submerged in that water.  The river is rushing by just a few feet away, but right there, people dive in and aren't swept away and over the falls.  In fact, they can swim right up to the ledge there, and look over the side.  We had a conversation this morning about this - would you do it?  Two solid no's from Mommy and Madison.  Daddy would do it though - it's harmless, right?

Anyway, it was a rather ordinary day today.  It's actually Martin Luther King's birthday, so on the way to taekwondo we had a little discussion about him once more, a teachable moment.  At the end of that, Daddy had U2's "Pride (In the Name of Love)" song ready to go.  There's that one, and "State of Independence" is another great one to listen to this time of year.

Dinner was interesting - because we're fasting.  But we had this guacamole that had a bit of pepper in it, and Madison was interested in that.  It wasn't too terribly hot, but it did have a bit of a build-up over time.  You were definitely reaching for a glass of water at one point or another.

We read tonight, and had a nice quiet and early evening, ready to get a good night's rest.  It was a quiet, ordinary day.  But these are the wonderful days together as a family.  You know, the ones where you can sit there and watch your daughter pummel a cushion?  That sort of stuff will bring a happy smile to my face many years from now... !

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