Monday, January 7, 2019

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors

We had quite a few doctor visits today, in fact three different destinations.  Two were planned - you have to try to get these in on the days off before school, including the big one:  her yearly physical.  It seems as if everything is okay for that, although there was a look at Madison's spine that resulted in the third, unexpected doctor visit.  This was a quick trip over to Longstreet to get an x-ray of her spine.

Longstreet brings back tons of memories.  It's the same building where Mommy and Daddy went nearly every day to get chemotherapy.  The old area downstairs is no more, where the actual waiting room was and where patients would sit and let those poisonous fluids flow through the system, killing cells and so forth.  Now all that is upstairs.  Every time we pass by that building in town, we have respect for the drivers pulling in or pulling out, knowing they are part of that same process, either directly or with some loved one that they are transporting.  We slow down, we make allowances for pulling out in front of us, because we understand.

But today we weren't there for chemo, but rather there to go to another section to simply get x-rays for Madison.  The place was under construction inside, a lot of renovations going on.  The end result is that there was this nice desk out there in the waiting area, with a chair behind it and everything.  It was the kind of desk you sit at if you are a receptionist or an office worker.  So Daddy, with his laptop and everything, had a seat and made it his new office while he waited!

Madison got her x-ray done without incident, and everything was fine getting the x-ray done, although there was a bit of a line there.  Soon we were on our way, concluding our visits with the offices that day.

The third appointment I haven't mentioned yet was our very first one, a visit for all three of us to the chiropractor's office.  Madison always enjoys this so much, the "popcorn" her back makes as vertebrae fall into place  Doc Williams makes it fun for her.  The visit was initially going to be quick, but Mommy thought this would be a good place to start on seeing how to make adjustments to Madison's feet.  You see, recently more than ever we've noticed her walk, and how her feet seem to shift inward with each step.  Her shoes bear evidence to this, wearing out in specific areas, and wearing out rather quickly.

So we did a foot scan this morning.  Madison took her shoes and socks off and stood on top of a foot scanner, which essentially looks like a photocopy machine placed really low.  She stood up on it, and the nurse scanned her feet.  After the scan, it became obvious we'd have to do some corrective measures:  we're ordering something to put in her shoes to help correct the way she walks.  We'll have more about this later as they arrive, but the basic idea is that these pads will help adjust her walking style when she puts them in her shoes.  It also makes for some sore feet, perhaps, so we'll be using that foot jacuzzi we got a few years ago a little more often.  She'll like that!

Madison was back in piano class today, so that's moving forward.  It's been a quiet year as far as advancements and what she's learning exactly, but she does practice at home, and how wonderful that she gets to practice on a real piano that is completely in tune.  Even listening to imperfect songs as she learns to play is something nice to have in the house - for the most part!

The rest of our day involved reading, delicious salads, Christmas decorations coming down, an episode of "Star Wars:  Rebels," and the usual bedtime routine.  Madison is growing taller and bigger, and it's all happening so quickly.  There are a few adjustments to be made here or there, and there's another important doctor visit coming up later this month about her vision.  But on the whole, there's nothing terribly abnormal, nothing uncommon at least.  We're there for her, and we'll help her with her walk, with her vision, and anything else along the way.

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