Tuesday, January 1, 2019


So this is how we started out 2019, which is certainly not a bad way to begin a year:  on the beach.  We slept in gloriously and unashamedly this morning, peeking out on the balcony a little later to say hello to the dolphins that were fooling around directly in front of us along the shore.  There were several of them jumping up and down, perhaps excited about the new year, or at least a school of fish in the water nearby.  As you can see, we were down there along the shore taking a walk on the first day of 2019, along with others of course.  it was a perfect day for this sort of thing, and in fact, someone even took the time to make their own snowman!

Or rather, a "sand man."  This one was made by some previous college football fans, but we liked it enough to pose for a picture in front of it.  As is our custom, we just took a walk today, strolling down the beach as the waves crashed ashore, walking northward on a really beautiful day.  There were plenty of shells as always, and up the way a little, quite a few seagulls.

The pelicans were crash-diving into the ocean for some meals, but we had a big breakfast this morning together before walking out.  The sun was shining, and it was not that hot at all outside, just perfect for a walk along the beach today.

Madison was anxious to join us.  She's been playing some games inside today, but these moments are the best, letting the water run over our feet and splashing along.  The ocean, as always, was vast and beautiful.  Even the seagulls weren't so bad to look at!

Rats with wings!  Madison had some fun chasing them around a bit, once she saw some grown adults doing the same thing.  Like Professor Henry Jones in "The Last Crusade," Madison stormed towards the gulls, watching them scatter!  "Let my army be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky..."

We got back, and Mommy decided to explore a bit of ancestry research with Ba-Ba, while Madison and Daddy decided to take a trip to ... the CONGO!

Yes, we were back to Congo River mini-golf, which you can see here.  It's just up the road, and was Madison's choice for this week's mini-golf experience.

We had a great time!  Again, the weather was absolutely perfect outside, not too sunny, not too cool.  It was just right, and Madison is getting better at her putting game.  Still, she's not such a purist that she has to play by the exact rules of the game all the time:  this course features a spinner that allowed some new rules (such as hitting the golf ball with the handle, standing stationary at some point in the course as an obstacle, or hitting with your eyes closed).  It was fun!

It's a pleasant course, and a tie with the pirate course nearby.  Madison was ready to go to the Congo today, perhaps inspired by our recent time in Wakanda.  We had a fun time, and it wasn't terribly crowded there at all.

In the end, Madison won the contest fair and square - that is, if you include the weird rules that were randomly inflicted upon both of us throughout the game.  And there were a few other rules Madison made up along the way too.  But in the end, she got a medal for her efforts and tremendous valor!  Also, she got an opportunity to feed some alligators!

What is the deal with feeding alligators and playing mini-golf?  Madison did this a few year ago, and we thought it would be fun to do again, especially when Madison won a small coupon towards getting to do it.  You can see her smiling above, and you can see the alligators smiling below...! 

Or, at least smiling as alligators tend to do.  It makes you want to have a pet alligator, doesn't it?

Madison's expression seems to suggest a strong, "NO."  Anyway, it was a fun little side trip, and there were other things to do there too, like pan for gems.  Which is something you think of in the mountains, and not exactly a thing to do around these parts.  Panning for gems?  Let's just stick with alligators, right?

We returned and sat on the balcony here, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean on this new year.  It was Taco Tuesday, which of course is a great way to kick off the new year as well.  Ba-Ba and Nana had tacos for everyone, and after that our usual vacation habit down here of watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  Don't ask why!  It just happens!

After that, and more importantly to Madison, season three of "A Series of Unfortunate Events" was just released, and so we watched both the episodes related to "The Slippery Slope."  It's staying close to the books, so there weren't many surprises.  It was also like the other episodes previous:  really good.  We're enjoying it, and just might see the entire season three by the end of this week!

So here we are at the end of the day - the weather has been perfect here, even at night, and from what I hear, it will continue to be like this the rest of the week.  We were exploring other things to do this week, but it might be that we just remain here and rest.  And that would be fine.  That would be a  nice way to start the new year.

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