Wednesday, January 30, 2019


We made some more Dr. Seuss trivia questions for Sunday's service, and we did some writing too.  We'll be doing a mini-skit based on the Dr. Seuss character Gerald McLoy, otherwise known as "Gerald McBoing Boing."  It should be fun - Daddy first met this character late last year when immersing myself into Dr. Seuss stories, and found this television special.  The artwork is amazing, and the story was unique enough to try out on stage this weekend.  We'll have fun with that.

Madison was studying for science tonight, but Daddy was able to come home before church and do a bit of quick reading.  We did the devotional together, and then we also did some more from "The Secret of Rundoon."  It's nice getting home to be with family, the three of us sitting on the couch and spending time together.  It's sweet, and restful, and then Daddy's out the door back to the office.

Tonight went really well with the kids, a large group service based a little on the Lorax, and the whole idea of the word "UNLESS."  If you know the story, you know what that means.

It was a good day on top of all this, and there's actually hope of the weather warming up for us later on.  Not only us, but the rest of the country that is freezing.  Ironically, while we've been looking at Dr. Seuss with his "Pale Green Pants with Nobody inside them," there's been a trend in the midwest to freeze pants, and stand those pants up outside... with nobody inside them.  I kid you not.  This is a latest meme, something people are apt to do and take photos of.  More and more people are doing it, and to be honest, if we could, we would be doing it as well!

It's just funny that this is going on, and meanwhile we've been talking about pants with nobody inside them here.

Anyway, it's been a full day.  Wednesday usually are, with college students and lots of things to do.  But Mommy feeds me well, and Madison keeps herself busy with piano and her studies.  This Friday, I think we're going to go to Chili's, in celebration of her recent achievement with grades.

But beyond that, she's got a great heart, a really sweet person, and a joy to race home just before service to see.

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