Monday, April 16, 2018


No, there won't be any references to that song by Snap! called "The Power" in this blog post.

Okay, so there was one reference just now.  But not anymore, okay?

We had a bit of a cold snap again this morning, dropping down to 39 degrees as we're heading out the door to drop Madison off for elementary school.  The time left at the school is dwindling, and the calendar says late April, but the winter is clinging on here.  It's been worse elsewhere, but in all things, it could be worse.  There have been some tornadoes, but nothing like the usual April, where front after front streak eastward across the map.  There was one such storm this weekend, and it was certainly threatening back on Friday.  But by Sunday morning, it amounted to nothing more than heavy rain.  And given the amount of pollen around here, the rain was more than welcome.  Still, it's chilly outside, and too cold to do much out there presently.

Madison began the Milestones testing today, and she's got six total days to do these tests.  Today's testing covers ELA, which is like ELO, but not as popular.  Actually ELA is - I think - English/Language Arts.  This is something that Madison does not do as well at with, at least compared to Math.  Of course, by saying "not doing as well at," she still gets A's.  But here's where she has to slow down and be more careful.  And indeed, based on her description tonight, she did take her time on the test.  She said she was the second to last to finish the test.  And we were happy to hear that, because in a week's time, no one's going to be comparing finishing times.  It's all about the score.  Better score right than early.

We had ballet tonight, the short class, and we had piano.  Madison has been struggling with this song, "Tightrope."  In fact, the tightrope snapped today.  We were supposed to record, but Madison had a bit of a meltdown, which I think amounts to lack of sleep, Milestones testing, and so much stuff going on in her life right now.  We gave her permission to slow down a bit, and not worry about playing anymore.  It's important to get some rest.

So tonight, we read from "A Wrinkle in Time," and are nearly finished with this one.  So far, we have a really weird story, to be frank.  Madison likes it though, and Daddy does too, although it's a bit surreal.  Mommy isn't the biggest fan of it, and in fact fell asleep while Daddy was reading tonight.  There's this big conflict with an oversized brain thingy, large fuzzy eyeless aliens with tentacles, flying centaur characters, mind control of super intelligent five-year-olds, and something like an anti-communist message in there.  It's different, that's for sure.  We'll see the movie and take notes!

So we said our prayers tonight, and we were ready for bed early.  We'll all get a good night's rest, and be ready for more tests tomorrow, more fun at work too.  We're getting a lot done for Summer Xtreme lately, with name tags and presentation slides.  Messages are coming in too, so Daddy will be working on those booklets as well.  But it's all starting to come together, and yep, you'll be reading a lot about that as we crawl along on the calendar towards June.

Speaking of which, we're thinking of signing up Madison for another camp this summer, because there's this extra week and we know Bart and Christine, and ... well, it's a Nerf Camp.  Mommy thinks it is a good idea to know about proper gun safety.  Which is probably something that Daddy needs to know too.  But this sort of teaching takes place while kids arm themselves, blasting targets and each other.  Or, at least that's what I gather from the description.  We'll see, but we're thinking about signing up Madison for that.

Okay, that does look like a fun camp.  Shooting nerf guns, like a crack of a whip, snap attack, front to back, and... and yeah, okay, there's another reference to that song.  Yeah, it's sort of stuck in my head right now...

So peace, stay off my back.  Or I will attack, and you don't want that!

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