Sunday, April 22, 2018


So here's the crew, or at least part of them.  Daddy snapped this picture of some of the cast members rehearsing lines this morning.  You can see how it's usually done here, with everyone saying their lines as they sit and laugh, or correct themselves, or help others along.  Camille usually sits over here to the right, but this morning, she was actually speaking to the kids with a message.  In the meantime, the skit itself went well - you can see here what happens when Nerdo took a bite of the poisoned apple:

Carlos announces that the only way to revive Nerdo is with "true love's kiss."  He turns to Ben, who turns to Dizzy, who turns to Red, who turns to Madison.

She looks at the audience and says, "I ain't doing that."  It was pretty funny!  Actually, this was one of the funnier skits we've done in this series, and the kids were really loud and really into it.  Madison did a great job as always.  We're focused on her speaking and communication abilities, and this is a great way to get her practicing specific speaking more often.  It would be funny for us to put in some tongue twisters, or perhaps a few phrases from Eliza Doolittle.

Anyway, afterwards, Camille spoke to the kids using props and a great message, and she did a fantastic job.

It's been so great to see some of these students arise these last three years or so.  They are amazingly gifted in different ways, and today's message was a great example of that.  Madison sat with the kids in the audience for this part, and learned about the woman at the well, and about Living Water.

Afterwards, we had an oddball incident:  we helped an old woman back to her hotel.  She had no idea where the hotel even was, having gotten here from Florida recently.  Additionally, whoever was supposed to pick her up had failed at that part, and with it so cold and rainy outside, we figured it might be a good idea to get her home.  That we did, and she seemed safe enough that Madison could be in the car as well.  It all worked out.

We got home, and Madison did her piano for a while, and Daddy caught up on writing this blog as well.  Mommy had a great meal for us, some spaghetti.  

"You can't spell it, but it eats pretty good, don't it?" - Red Blow

It was so good that Madison had three servings of it.  Daddy resorted to two, which might have been too much on the tummy here, but it was sure good going down.  Delicious stuff!

Tonight, we tried the 2003 version of the movie "A Wrinkle in Time."  It kind of followed the book for a bit, and then... it veered pretty far off course.  They say the book is impossible to make a movie out of, and while we were reading it, you could see that.  This movie was okay, but it was a lot longer than we thought it'd be.  This may be because it was made into a few nights of television, complete with commercials and so forth.  It might have been better had they stuck with the book more, or at least tried to.  I mean, they had wookies in this movie.  I really don't have to say much more about it.

Moving on:  we went to bed after that, because Madison has one more day of Milestones tomorrow.  I think they're all seeing movies in school after that, part of some sort of "Yay, we made it through the Milestones" celebration.  Someday, Madison will look back on the word Milestones with scorn.  Someone will talk about their graduation day being a major milestone, and Madison will have negative feelings.  Like, "six-day test?"

So we read tonight before bed, one last devotional entry from the "Legends" booklet, and then Nancy Drew's adventures with a mannequin.  Or, not a mannequin yet.  She's supposed to find one, but we're all suspicious of that mannequin now, especially after this last chapter.  Is it really a mannequin, or is it actually a person?  We'll continue to read!

We said our prayers, and the rain continued to pour down outside.  Yes, the scourge of pollen is being washed away.  Prayers are being answered already.  Down with the Yellow Scourge!

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