Friday, March 15, 2024

Key Lime π

It's π Day again, and we did something fun today to celebrate the occasion.  The other day, I picked up some ingredients from the grocery store, some of which you can see in the first picture above.  We followed the recipe and made ourselves some Key Lime π!  For those of you now aware of what π is, of course it's equal to 3.14, which is the date on the calendar, 3/14.  Anyway, we mixed the ingredients together, and put our pie in the oven for fifteen minutes to cook - and afterwards, used cool whip and some lime slices for decorations.  We had a good bit of zest in this one, and in fact it might have been a little more than the recipe called for - it was quite limey!  But it was still pretty good, so much that Maddie and I had a second slice.  I'd like to say we had 3.14 slices, but that would be quite a bit of pie.  Or π, rather.

Once a year, we turn on this one independent game, a π game on the X-Box 360, which is really just a memory game to see how many digits you can get in π.  Maddie got as far as twelve digits, which is pretty impressive, actually!

So it was a shorter school day for her today, and no, not because of π Day.  At least I don't think so.  It was a teacher's work day, and she'll be off tomorrow too, which is just as well because it's the Ides of March.  These important holidays are all clumped together here in March!  

Anyway, tonight Maddie and I were back in Middle Earth again, going off to visit green ghosts and who fight very fiercely, and grab at your ankles a lot too.  We're definitely enjoying this one again, and the music is in our heads pretty good too.  I'm guessing we'll be re-watching these soon enough.

Maddie did have a forensics test today, and despite being somewhat unprepared, she still got an A on it, which of course is nice.  I was at that elementary school today for Bible Blast, a weekly thing where we lead the kids in worship and have some fun with games, our videos, and a good message.  Lots of kids show up for this after school program. 

Mom is working hard on these dancer costumes, and only has a few left to make in this one batch... until she starts working on something else.  She's been pretty busy!  We're meeting about Easter a little more frequently - it's getting closer to the big day!

The night was closed out with reading from Kingdom Keepers, which is also closing out.  I guess about four more nights and we'll be done with this first book, which has been fun to revisit.  After reading, prayers and getting tucked in for the night.  It was a good day, with good pie!

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