Thursday, November 2, 2023

Christmas Practices and Revivals

Busy night tonight.  You can see what I was up to - here are some of the cast members from Christmas play practice.  We were downstairs tonight practicing a good bit because we have one month to go until our performance.  It went pretty well, although there were some slowdowns with cast members that hadn't been here yet and some new music arrangements and a smaller stage.  We've had to postpone certain practices because of the revival, and tonight we just had to do a practice anyway, and this was all while we're hearing the bass music of the worship going on just one level up.  I had taken this picture and sent it to Maddie, who was up there for another day of the revival.  

Isn't it great that she got to be there for that?  She was seated up towards the front with the youth, and as we approach the end of the second week of this revival, it's been great to see her here along with some of the other taekwondo students too.  She's enjoyed the services quite a bit, although tomorrow she'll be back at taekwondo, as there's a performance upcoming that she'll be needing to practice for.  Tomorrow night's practice at Edge will last a little longer.  

We had a busy day - I was working on the script for our last service of "Extraordinary Tales from the Bible," and also working ahead on our "Lone Star Christmas" series, getting that booklet pdf finally done so they can print that for the following week.  Lots going on at the same time at the church!

We got home tonight, and sure it was late.  But we watched the next episode of "Loki" anyway, because it's been such a fun show.  We can' wait to see what happens next week, even though we get easily lost amidst these time travel stories.  It's okay - it's fun!  We're so glad to see Mobius actually on a jet ski, a beautiful union of form and function, even though it's not on the water yet.  

Honestly, it's perhaps one of the reasons we're extending our subscription to Disney+, this despite the fact that they've raised the price 57%.  Like, we're suddenly paying $60 more.  We'll take this year to year, but back when we were in love with the Disney brand, there was more to want to see.  Now there's pretty much just new Marvel and Star Wars content.  All the other things from the past we already have on DVD or Blu-ray.  The other material from Disney just isn't what it was, and we'll leave it at that.  It's been a rough year for Disney, or so conventional wisdom seems to suggest.  I never thought I'd fall out of love with something I was so passionate about for so many years, but here we are.  There's still plenty of older material to watch, and that's just fine.  And there are other places to go on vacation too.

Anyway, moving on!  We read tonight, more adventures from Tiffany Aching, and believe it or not, we're winding down on that latest story.  Maddie wants to keep it going, so we'll be visiting book three of that series next.  Meanwhile, I'm finishing another adventure feature Esme Weatherwax, "Wyrd Sisters," so I've been reading a lot of that character lately.  Almost done though, and my personal reading is about to shift gears pretty well. 

We said our prayers tonight, and got to bed a little later.  We'll get some rest tomorrow night!

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