Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Ninja and Cowboy

Our first KPTV for this series "A Lone Star Christmas" is coming along nicely - Josh is doing the animation for two of our "Tribes" characters, Cowboy and Ninja.  It was so great getting to do Cowboy's voice again, and also listening to Josh do the Ninja's voice.  We've been doing those character voices since 2013!  It's going to be a very special start to this season at KidPak.

Meanwhile, Maddie loves going to FCY.  She had a Team Edge practice tonight, one that was about an hour long and rather spontaneous in its timing.  They needed to work a little more on some of the routine, so tonight most of the team was there for about an hour to get ready.  Right after that, I grabbed Maddie and took her over to FCY for the service there that was just getting started.  She was talking about Pastor Jacob's message afterwards, and of course who she sat with and what they all did tonight.  I was there for the tail end, eating a slice of pizza that I knew I shouldn't have been eating.  But nevertheless I did.  It was tasty, and I'll probably regret it later.  Anyway, we had a practice tonight, yes another Christmas practice.  This time it was for the really young cast members who are a part of the Nativity scene.  Some of these kids are so hyper.  It was funny tonight because I started out with a conversation about staying still and how their parents are watching... and that didn't stop them.  I mentioned how God was looking down... and that didn't stop them.  Then I mentioned a contest to see who could stay the most still... and sure enough, they immediately froze in place and were perfect angels the rest of the night.  Take what you will from that!

Mom is still under the weather, and she's sleeping downstairs on the couch because she's coughing through the night.  It's rough on her, because she's got so much to do with costumes and so forth.  She's struggling, and doing her best.  

Tonight we watched the first two episodes of "The Santa Clauses," season two.  As research, we've watched last year's episodes over the last few nights and got caught up pretty quickly.  We saw them last year, of course, but just that one viewing.  Anyway, it's a good show, and of course it's great to see these characters together again, including old friends like Cupid.  Those are some of our favorite movies.  We've been watching a few Christmas movies lately, and listening to a lot of our holiday music through the day and in the car - we're in full holiday mode now. 

After that we were ready for reading and prayers.  Tiffany Aching has done something she probably shouldn't have - a dance with the Wintersmith.  We'll see what happens next, but surely it's not going to be good.  Fortunately, Tiffany has help - we're enjoying this book now, number three in the Tiffany Aching series.

We said our prayers afterwards, and brought the plush entourage back to Maddie's room where everyone was tucked in and ready for sleep.  Can you believe there's another Christmas play practice tomorrow night?  They're relentless!

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