Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Gift, Friendsgiving, and Beating a Bomb

Today was a pretty full day!  This morning we were off and going, over to Team Edge for their weekly practice time, and that's usually a longer thing, which of course today was just the same - two hours.  Maddie and the team are getting better and better as they approach Edgestravaganza, the big day of their performance.  Maddie is doing really well, perfecting her nunchuck skills, which is one of the greatest thing a dad can say about his daughter.  After practice, it was time for another Friendsgiving!  Parents brought different types of food for a pot luck event, all the food lined up on a table for everyone to enjoy.  It was so much food!  And it was good - there were some surprise recipes in there that were actually really great - including a pineapple casserole that was very tasty!  Maddie and the others did some Super Smash Brothers after eating, as Mrs. Hardin set up on the projector a much larger screen for the students to do some battling.  There was one round in particular with five students and Maddie picked Jiggly Puff, avoiding a lot of the fighting the others were engaged in, and then facing off against the last survivor.  He was better than she was at the game, but he was weakened... and it came down to this one final move that he tried on her... and missed ... and off the side he went!  Maddie was thrilled at first to not be the first to lose, but all of the sudden, here she was the winner!  And she won the next round too!  She had a great morning!

Her next plans were to go to a surprise party, going down to a place called "Beat the Bomb."  It was a big escape room party, and Maddie worked hard with the others to escape... or find themselves getting blasted with colorful paints.  Only one group made it that night out of many, many others - and Maddie's group was pretty close... but nope!  They got blasted too!

She had a great time tonight!  Meanwhile, Mom and I went off for our yearly trip to see "The Gift."  This is a ministry we love, and it's a Christmas tradition to go see this production each year.  We met some friends from church, and we just loved it.  Praise in Motion puts on a wonderful performance - it never gets old.  And at intermission, their peppermint bark doesn't get old either!  

This is a wonderful production, and it never fails in fulfilling that mission of worship through dance.  We have been faithful "angel" supporters throughout the years, and in fact have seen this production over twenty years, easily.  Probably a few more than that.  I have a copy of it on VHS from the early 2000's, and we actually watched that this year, reminiscing about earlier casts and the shifting routines within the program, and of course noting the ones that are exactly as they were some time ago.

We got home and we popped in a movie while waiting for Maddie.  We saw "It Happened on 5th Avenue" again, and that's become one of my favorites.  Maddie came home later, and of course she had a lot to talk about - she had a lot of fun today.  A lot of fun!

We said our prayers, and off to bed tonight!

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