Sunday, November 12, 2023

Return to "A Lone Star Christmas"

This morning we started out with our return to "A Lone Star Christmas," and this time around, it's a fuller and richer series.  We're back with cowboys of course, and just like the last time, this is somewhat of a last-minute change from something else planned.  But despite all that's going on, I wanted to make sure we had some new messages thrown in to the mix, so we have a complete six-message Christmas series that should be rip-roarin' fun.  

This morning's message was about gathering around the fire, which is basically the equivalent of gathering around together at church - gathering around the Light.  Our Bible story was the one where Jesus had set up a fire and was sitting there cooking, waiting on the disciples to join him.

Our skit was fun and relaxed, a nice little sit around the campfire as we told stories.  The overall story here is that we're waiting for the tracks to clear up in the mountain pass because of all the snow.  Crews are up there working, and hopefully the train can get going again so everyone can be home for Christmas.

It even featured Maddie taking a moment to tell the sound crew, "Cue my music!"  This is a long tradition here at KidPak.  Sometimes it's a big story or in Maddie's case, it's a joke that's over pretty quickly.  But it was fun.  It was a great morning!  We had that new cartoon with the Cowboy and Ninja that Josh made, plus some games and a fantastic message.  New booklets arrived just in time, and this series had a super fun start.

Mom is doing better this morning, although she was ready for a good long nap this afternoon.  We did one bit of recording before bedtime, getting some audio from our girl who will be playing Cindy Lou Who in our production, and then we even picked up some Chinese food for the way home.  I popped in that Twelve Girls Christmas CD while we had lunch together here, and then ... it was time for a winter's nap.  Although I was finishing up that tree.  It takes a good long time to do that, but while that was happening, there were plenty of Christmas episodes and movies to watch.

I did get some more walking done on the treadmill.  I do that every single day now, and today I was walking through the Himalayas again, on that Trek to Everest Basecamp.  It's been a good series, and it's nice walking alongside guides and seeing the incredible panorama of mountains all around.  

The tree is pretty much done now, and so am I with this day.  It was a long one!  We read from "Wintersmith," and said our prayers.  Then it was time for bed!

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