Sunday, August 20, 2017

SX Heroes Viewing Party

Here's a picture of Madison with the Super Seven!  These are the actors - and Josh too - who make up the superhero team that KidPak watches each Summer Xtreme.  Today, we finally found common ground on the schedule to host a viewing of the Heroes videos, inviting not only the Super Seven, but anyone else involved in the production of our movie.

Here you can see more of the gathering, all getting ready to take advantage of some tacos and other snacks.  It was an event right after church, and it was great to see everyone join us for a nice, relaxing time together.  As you'd suspect, there was quite a bit of socializing, and of course quite a bit of eating too.  And then it was time for the movies:  we watched 2016's and 2017's movies back to back.

With popcorn too!  We all piled into the KidPak Auditorium, and watched the movie together.  It was a lot of fun!  There was a lot of cheering, laughter, and a standing ovation at the end.  Everyone did a great job!

This morning, we had KidPak as always, and the Master Builders series continued.  Nerdo's invention, his Naggles, were on full display.  Naggles stands for Nerdo's Awesomely Great Glasses of Lego for Eclipses.  Or Naggle for short.

We'll have real glasses tomorrow, don't worry.  It was a great service, one where we even brought back the old school LEGO people:

This is just Javier in disguise:  he's wanting to steal the KidPak Master Builders' idea and win the competition for himself, along with Clint, his sidekick.

It was a fun morning, full of all kinds of good news with visiting parents, new volunteers, and plenty of kids having all Ten Commandments memorized.  Madison is almost there with the memorization.  We'll quiz her throughout the week!

We got home, and yes, we were tired.  We played some games, looking for more pants for "The LEGO Movie" game, but we're still after those exploding pants.  A pair of pants that explodes is something you simply must have!

Before bed, we packed a little for tomorrow, and read from our devotional and from "The Starry River of Sky."  We'll be seeing that for ourselves tomorrow, won't we?

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