Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Rights and Lefts

Madison only missed one of her Bill of Rights questions on the test.  I think it was #7.  If you were to ask me what #7 was right now, I couldn't tell you either.  So I'm going to look it up.

Okay, it's a right to a jury trial.  That would come after the right to party, which of course the Beastie Boys were huge advocates for in the late 80's.  It used to be a right we had to fight for, but now it's just one that everyone takes for granted.

Madison can tell you all of the other amendments are, which is pretty outstanding.  Seriously!  She does a great job with this, and we're very proud of her.  She absorbs this knowledge very quickly, and is fast to share it with us what she learned.  Soon, we'll be heading into the territory of the Civil War, something that Daddy has been anticipating for a year or so.  Seriously, we've been waiting to take her to some of these local Civil War monuments to coordinate with what she's learning, and all of the sudden there are all kinds of protests around these monuments because they've been made into symbols of hate.  How ironic that she's studying the Civil War and freedom of speech right now, as that seems to be the big topic of the week.

For a short time, we were all looking upwards, forgetting to argue and fight.  We were all looking at the sun, and it was all okay.  Unless you weren't wearing protective glasses.  But that's beside the point.  The point is, people are fighting again on social media and in the regular media.

This weekend, there was a protest at the Gainesville Square nearby us.  Protesters were literally paid to sit there and protest.  We know an officer, and this officer showed us how an ad was placed for folks who wanted some extra money.  All they had to do was show up at this place called Gainesville and protest for five hours minimum, for $20 an hour.  Some of these protesters had no idea where Gainesville even was!

Can you feel the passion of some of these protestors?  The sacrifice?  Yes, that's sarcasm.  They're not giving up of their time to do something noble.  No, they're showing up in downtown Gainesville because they're paid to do it.

Okay, now there's a job for you:  being paid to complain.  Some of us are experts at it!

Today we had music, and Madison has been doing well there.  Mrs. Pam was in the classroom afterwards and told Daddy she was doing good.  Madison is apparently the law enforcement of the classroom, which is pretty much what we've known all along.  Inside our little girl is a Good Cop/Bad Cop.  And that's why it's surprising she didn't know the seventh amendment.

We got home afterwards, and continued our Quest for Pants, with only two or three pairs to go after tonight.  There wasn't much time for games, as we get back from piano pretty late.  Madison had all her homework done, and we were off to bed not long after that.  She likes milk before bedtime, so at least we have that.

But we did lose a bit of childhood today, without going into too much detail.  The power of the eclipse?  Whatever we'll call it, today was a big day for growing up, one we've sort of been dreading, and not something to really talk about much here if you know what I mean.

Anyway, otherwise, it was a pretty ordinary day.  Compared to yesterday, any other day is downright dull, to be frank.  Madison's absence was excused.  A few other kids were out yesterday, a few of them going north to that all important totality zone.  I can't emphasize how important it is for you to get to a area of totality during an eclipse.  If someone tells you you're in an area of 99%, it's not enough!  Drive the extra half hour to an hour, because it is worth it beyond any more words I can use here.

Madison spent her spare time doing piano, doing some voluntary homework (where she could earn Bravo Bucks), and folding paper some more.  She has all sorts of interesting folding designs that she's created.  We have origami all over the house, and other people have pieces of origami as gifts.  Amy got an origami flower yesterday that was very nice.

Mommy and Daddy watched an old Bing Crosby movie tonight, one we hadn't seen before:  "The Emperor's Waltz."  It's been a while since we could sit down together and watch a movie.  Things are settling down a bit now, and we'll have more time for that sort of thing soon enough, with Madison getting to bed earlier as of late.

Speaking of which, maybe we too should go to bed early as well...

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