Thursday, August 10, 2017

Science! Mentos and Diet Coke

It was a day for science.  As you can see here, we tried out the famous Mentos in Diet Coke experiment.  Or, at least Madison did.  Daddy stayed back at a safe distance and watched it from the bunker.  We did the countdown, and she dropped the Mentos into the Diet Coke:

Giggling while fleeing in terror, Madison retreated to the safety of the bunker.  It was a very successful experiment, in that it got a lot of laughs.  But we also watched a few videos about it online, so we could find out the reason why Diet Coke shoots skyward like that.

Today Madison was in science class for the first time, and it went well of course.  They'll be studying life science this year, and Madison is already ahead of the game somewhat there:  she's quick to brag about dissecting a squid this summer.  And owl pellets.  Yummy.

But the science doesn't end there!  No, next we cover the ground of botany, as Mommy discovered there are three corpse flowers about to bloom at the United States Botanical Garden.  These are the largest flowers there are, and they're also the smelliest.  We can see them from a safe distance here, but some day we hope to smell them in person.  Yes, I realize that this is the sort of smell you don't actually look forward to.  But it's a famous smell, and it should be on everyone's bucket list, right?

Anyway, speaking of science, Daddy had a doctor's appointment this morning.  The end result is at least one endoscopy, and perhaps even a colonoscopy upcoming.  The endoscopy first.  That'll be next Friday.  Hopefully it'll be the equivalent of a chimney sweep's brush doing its work, and we'll clear the pipes a bit.  Orrrrr.... we could try a different solution:  what if... we dropped some Mentos and Diet Coke....

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