Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eclipse Art

Madison saw this being made by students in Mrs. Clark's class, so she thought she'd try it too.  It actually turned out pretty good, her vision of the eclipse she saw the other day.  We're still talking about it a few days later.  So many astronomical events sort of fall short of the hype that is generated. The comet Hale-Bopp was astounding, and the annular eclipse we saw in the 80's was incredible.  Seeing the aurora borealis was another thing we saw where our jaws dropped and we were filled with wonder.  This was right up there with those.

Today was Wednesday, which was a long day for Daddy, with KidPak's small groups tonight.  It all went well, another group of kids moving up from the 2nd to 3rd grade.  Of course, all the grades moved up at the same time, which was sad in a way because you say goodbye to one group.  But then you say hello to another, which is fun.  Madison moved up to fifth grade, but she won't see small groups that often, given that she has to get up so early for school.

She's starting to get busy again.  She missed ballet Monday night, but a lot of other kids did too.  She'll join everyone on Thursday though.  That'll be the big new day for a new ballet season.  Everyone's excited!

We've been working on a new series for January, one we're pretty excited about.  Madison will like it a lot.  Hopefully we'll nail down our fifth character, but we have the Descendants almost cast.  We have an idea for Evie, but we'll have to wait and see if she's able to do it.  Things are shaping up pretty well - we've got Sherlock Holmes, and then Ebenezer Scrooge, and then after that, we've got this series sort of based on the Descendants concept.  It'll be lots of fun, but the girls will really love it.

Madison and Mommy have been fighting a bit of a cold this week, but they seem to be winning that fight.  Sniffles and hot water bottles, and lots of medication to help sleep.  It's not enough to keep Madison out of school, or enough to keep Mommy from tackling her day, but it is annoying.  They'll be fine soon, although allergies might persist for a while as always this time of year.

Daddy got home late, and Madison was already asleep.  Mommy was not far behind, and Daddy is too...

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