Thursday, August 28, 2014

Eat our Dust, Miguel!

We had just enough time before bedtime to pull out this game that we borrowed from the school.  It's called "Money Bags," and it really does a good job of teaching the values of different coins, challenging kids (and grown-ups) to get the right change.  The challenge comes in arriving at a total without using dimes, or nickels, or quarters - it just depends on the spinner.  There's all sorts of plastic coins to distribute, and Madison played the role of banker tonight, a role she relished.  She was doling out coins all night, but didn't get the most money in tonight's game:  that honor went to Mommy, who racked up nearly three dollars thanks to a couple stops by the vault.

This board game was fun.  And educational.  It's actually a bit easier at this point than the "Let's Go Shopping" game we played earlier - we'll be playing this again soon, actually.  There were some things that were easy for Madison, and then a few moments that were slightly challenging, but not enough to cause any stress.  It's just the right level of difficulty for her right now, and again, it's all educational so there's a big win for the night already.

We are still examining the hair, still bathing and still nit-picking.  Madison was at school today, where she had a good day - although it sometimes is difficult actually getting her to talk about what she learned that day.  One thing we know she's getting started on is a new internet website that teaches concepts and runs through drills.  Just like last year's, this one motivates her with rankings and coins that can be traded in for games and so forth.  Here's the most recent ranking:

Eat our dust, Miguel!  Of course, we're kidding there.  Earlier, Miguel had the lead, and Madison is sort of competitive, and of course we had to change that.  The neat thing about this is that Madison was really quick with her assignment - she has no problem at all with placing hundreds, tens and ones.  Her only challenge comes when she goes too fast, but isn't that everyone's problem?  Haste makes waste.

Fifty days from now, we're at Disney World.  It just so happens that Daddy got online today to check in for our hotel.  Yes, we're checked in fifty days in advance.  I'm not sure why you would need to do this, but I was there already and figured why not?  Actually, another motivation of mine was to get in an early request to stay at the Toy Story wing of the All Star Resort.  As much as Daddy wants to stay at the Herbie side, Madison would love to see all the Toy Story stuff out there.  Hopefully that'll work out.

We also ordered the new wristbands, which are essentially keys to the doors and tickets for parks and reservations for restaurants. We don't need that much on these wristbands this time - in fact, one day we're going to SeaWorld.  But nevertheless, we're getting wristbands, ones that we can pick the colors for.  Madison and Mommy went with a red color, and Daddy went for green, for reasons that'll become apparent later.

We did our piano practice, figuring out one bit on our own.  Mrs. Pam sent a "how to" email later for all the parents, explaining that she forgot to explain this one.  Fortunately, Daddy somehow figured it out on his own.  I say this with pride, because I am usually not able to figure these out on my own!

There was a bit of gardening done today, and lightbulbs changed too.  And more laundry.  Ever since the news this week earlier, we've been doing lots of laundry.  Some toys are still under quarantine, but the first week is nearly over, right?

Oh, and we did some aeronautics today!  That's right - we got our paper airplane to soar incredibly off the back deck.  You should have seen this one graceful flight Madison launched - it was one of those gentle, airborne journeys that lasted eight or nine seconds, which is a long time when you consider paper airplanes.  We got the design from a book, carefully following the directions together and doing a lot of folding.  The earliest flight tests were unsuccessful, as the flaps in the back were apparently pulled downward too much, causing the plane to spiral downward quickly.  By pulling these in a more upward direction, the plane stayed airborne much longer, to our great satisfaction.  This one plane was launched at least ten times off the back deck, as Daddy was running up and down the steps to get it.  One time Madison did, but she had a stumble up the stairs, which wasn't cool.  This upset her - and Daddy of course.  We don't like boo-boos.  But right away she was distracted with the idea of launching the plane again, and that helped make her forget everything.

We made a call on Skype to Florida, talking to Ba-ba and Nana there.  Using our iPad, we can take the 'show on the road.'  Meaning, we can carry the iPad over to the piano, and there, Madison performed "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho" for her grandparents.  And then we carried the camera over to the computer, where the grandparents watched Madison take the ice bucket challenge.  We talked a pretty long time with them this afternoon, and all for free.  Technology is amazing.

Tonight as Madison was getting her hair checked once again, Daddy read to her.  This helped pass the time.  We're still reading the latest Never Girls book, which is something Madison is really enamored with.  These books have really got her attention, and this nightly ritual has been a highlight of each day.  Right now, one of the characters is riding on a mist horse, which at the moment we suspect isn't a good thing.  One thing you should always do is listen to Queen Clarion.

After Madison went to bed, Mommy and Daddy finally got around to watching a movie with Robin Williams in it, one we haven't actually seen yet called "August Rush."  As the month of August is nearly over with, there was a bit of pressure to see it this month.  It would be embarrassing to watch it in September now, wouldn't it?  Anyway, the movie was great, one we enjoyed.  We picked it up a few years ago and simply forgot we had it until recently.

So with smiles on our weary faces, we were off to bed.  Both Mommy and Daddy now are under the weather in our own little ways.  These fevers run their course and are gone - although they aren't as strong, they do last longer.  Not sure which I prefer, really.  Part of me just wants to get it over with, you know?  And of course, Mommy's troubles are always with her tummy.  We're not sure what she ate today, but at least things settled down by bedtime.

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