Sunday, August 24, 2014

Unicorn Fish

It was another magical service this morning.  Madison and roughly 800 other kids got to see our service, one we called "Don't Get Lured In."  It was ultimately about temptation, and the story of Samson.  And as you can see above, our unicorn fish got completed and was ready to be introduced today.  The above shot is a posed one that includes the characters of today's part of the story - our fish are quite tempted to go explore the shipwreck, unaware of the big floating mines, and unaware of a shark lurking nearby.  Still, they are lured in by the promise of treasure and sparkly things, despite the fact that everyone has warned them of the dangers of going near the shipwreck.

Madison and all the other kids loved the morning, and for videos we decided to go old-school and simply show two videos that clearly demonstrated the idea of avoiding tempting situations.  One video clip featured this guy:

Watching Spongebob has been part of our 'research' for this series, a labor we've rather enjoyed, actually.  But the episode "Hooky" was just plain perfect to show the allure of temptation, and then the danger of it as well - getting hooked.  Of course, we didn't show the entire episode - we spliced two bits together, and it was just great.

The other scene we showed was from "Finding Nemo," where Dory and Marlin encounter a strange light in the dark deepness below.  It's another tempting sort of thing - and by the time the kids were done with the day, they got the message, we hope.  Madison gets to be in the service twice, and this morning we were so packed we had to pull out extra chairs.  Here's a brief synopsis Daddy wrote up for the booklet.

   A Christian doing the wrong thing is like a fish out of water: we never want to get hooked by sin. Yet sometimes we get tempted, don’t we?
     Samson was a mighty man of God, yet he hung around something he knew he shouldn’t have. Her name was Delilah, and she was nothing but trouble. She was just bait and Samson fell for her hook, line and sinker.
     He didn’t get into any trouble at first, but sin is like that. It hangs there like bait – and we’re tempted to nibble at it at first. Sometimes nothing happens immediately, so we nibble some more. And more! And that’s when we suddenly find ourselves like Samson – hooked and reeling!
     Samson didn’t listen to God. He listened to Delilah. When we don’t listen to God, we’re listening to others and what they think is best. But our peers don’t have all the answers. If a fish sees a whole bunch of fish underneath a pier where it is dark and shady, that doesn’t mean it is a good place to go. No, that’s where all the hooks are – so don’t give into pier pressure!
     As Christians, we were designed to go against the flow. God told the clown fish to hang out with the sea anemone, a creature that eats fish.  And yet it works out – the clown fish has protection.  Trust Him.  If God’s word tells us to do something, there’s a good reason for it.  If there’s a rising tide of temptation, act like a flying fish and rise above it all, trusting God in all things.
     We are designed us to swim free as fish in the ocean. So ask God for help to go against the flow, watch out for pier pressure, and by all means... don’t get lured in!

     It was mentioned earlier, but Daddy's been struggling with the sickness that started with Mommy and Madison.  Today it hit him hardest, unfortunately, although he plowed through service with a smile on his face.  And there was much to smile about - it was a good day.  But getting home, there was an unusual weakness and shakiness that suddenly took over.  He ate some food quickly, and then fell asleep quickly in bed for a long, long nap this afternoon.  This is one of the symptoms that Mommy had, a sleepiness and need for rest as the body heals itself.

     Madison was quiet, but she did do her piano practice again.  Got to fill out that Minecraft chart!  We had dinner late, and we played a few video games.  Daddy would have liked to do more, but he was just not that well right now.  Even as I type this, I'm still a bit under the weather.

     But we prayed before bedtime, and we read from our Bible.  Madison asks for this to be read first, and then we go on to other things like chapter books or whatnot.  After the Bible, because we had no Neverland book, Daddy made up a small story about some fish under the sea.  It's a nice time for the three of us in her bedroom, always the sweet part of the day that you don't wish to end.  But Madison does need to get enough sleep, so you tear yourselves away from her room with a sweet, "Goodnight, Princess."  At which point she shouts out two times (once for each of us), "I love you to infinity and beyond!"

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