Monday, August 25, 2014

Toy Story: Quarantine

JESSIE:  Where are we?  Where are we?

WOODY:  Calm down, we're going to be okay.

DINAH the DINOSAUR:  Not hardly.  We are in a plastic bag!

JESSIE:  Not a plastic bag!  We are going to get sold, I just know it!

WOODY:  Would everyone calm down?  It is really simple what happened...

BELLE the OWL:  Who did it?

WOODY:  Dad did it, okay?  But he did it for a good reason.  We will be just fine, if you'll listen...

JESSIE:  Just fine?  We are in a GARBAGE BAG!!

CHUCK the GROUNDHOG:  We are Goodwll bound for sure.

LOTSO:  Or Ebay.  I hope my strawberry scent stays with me, or I'll wind up just a doggy chew toy or something!

WOODY:  That is not going to happen, Lotso.  Would everyone just listen to me a minute?  We are in quarantine.

CHUCK:  I don't like the sound of that!

JESSIE:  What is that?

WOODY:  It isn't fun, but it happens from time to time.  There are those bugs at school, and the nurse thinks Madison may have them in her hair.

FAT LADYBUG:  That is terrible!  We must get to her and squash them like... well, bugs!  I'll do a flying suplex and show them a thing or two!

WOODY:  It is not like that, Ladybug.  Mom has washed Madison's hair with this special shampoo they have at the store.  And Dad took all the sheets off the bed, and the pillow cases, and all of us toys that were on the bed.

JESSIE:  Where's Buzz?

WOODY:  I'm sure he'll be here soon.  Maybe he is in another bag, with Lady and the Tramp.  Or the cats.

BELLE:  Or maybe he is at Goodwill!

BUZZ:  I'm out here, Jessie!

JESSIE:  Buzz!

BUZZ:  I just arrived from upstairs.  You are right now in the dining room quadrant.  All the lifeforms in this house appear to be in hibernation state.

LOTSO:  You mean everyone's asleep upstairs.

BUZZ:  Precisely, fruit-scented bear!  Apparently, the commander and his wife were notfied by Star Command about some sort of alien hybrid infestation at the educational center.  It spreads in hair, and items made of cloth.

FAT LADYBUG:  I get it.  That's why you're out there and we're in here.  YOU are made of plastic, and we're stuffed!

DINAH:  Some of us really stuffed.

FAT LADYBUG:  I heard that.

BUZZ:  I overheard Madison's mom saying that you would be in quarantine for two weeks.

JESSIE:  Two weeks?  What will we do all that time?  What will Madison do?

BUZZ:  Calm down, Jessie.  Madison can come and visit from time to time.  We just have to stay out of that bed for two weeks.  And no snuggling, Lotso!

LOTSO:  I have no idea what you're talking about.

WOODY:  Now wait a minute!  YOU get to stay in Madison's room, Buzz?

BUZZ:  Look, I don't like this anymore than you.  But we must make sure that Madison is safe.  I saw her mother and father with that brush... they spent over an hour going over all those strands of her hair, looking for that vile alien larva.  If I ever find the source planet of this evil scourge, by Neptar's Hammer I'll blast it with my lasers!

DINAH:  I hear you loud and clear, space ranger.  But perhaps you'll take comfort in the fact that for the next two weeks, any of those critters with us in this bag are going to slowly starve to death.

CHUCK:  Okay, too much information.  You are telling me that we will be sitting in here for two weeks with a bunch of dead bug carcasses?

DINAH:  Pretty much.

LOTSO:  Okay, that does it.  I'm out of here.

WOODY:  You can't.  We have to stay here.  For Madison.

JESSIE:  Can't we at least go check on her?

FAT LADYBUG:  I don't see why not.  As long as we don't jump in that bed with her, right?

JESSIE:  What do you say, Woody?

WOODY:  Well...

BELLE:  Come on, Woody.  Please?

WOODY:  Okay, fine.  I say we head on up those stairs, and make sure our little girl is okay.  But afterwards, we come right back and just wait.  Remember, we're doing this for Madison.

FAT LADYBUG:  For Madison.

BUZZ and JESSIE:  For Madison.

WOODY:  We'll make sure those critters are gone.  We're not messing around with them.  It won't be fun for us the next few weeks, but it's all for Madison.

ALL:  For Madison!

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