Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

This morning we had some cards for Mommy for her birthday - one of them had a Dandelion Fairy inside, encouraging Mommy to blow out the dandelion seeds.  This is something that Madison always loves to do, no matter where.  If there's one of these things on the ground, she'll pick it up and blow the dandelion seeds into the air.  It will stop her in her tracks just about anywhere she's walking - it's some sort of inner programming that overrides anything else that's going on.

Today we did some work outside, some extreme pruning of these fig trees outside the back yard - they've got to go.  They are somewhat of an invasive tree, roots climbing upward into the back yard like those vines lurking under the ground in "Jumanji," or at least "Batman and Robin."  Any moment, and you expect one to breach the surface, and wrap around your ankle.

We also did a little organizing in the basement, which is coming along really well.  There's a sudden sense of feng shui down there, as we're removing things or reorganizing the locations of certain items.  The recent garage/yard sale really helped matters there, forcing us to inventory and identify what items were in the "outbox."  We've got still quite a bit to go, stuff we'll put on sale online probably.  We'll see how that goes.

Today was ballet practice once more, which was a chance for Mommy and Daddy to watch Madison in her new costume, dancing her routine in the practice room.  All the little girls did their part so well, and Madison was quite elegant, as she gracefully moved across the floor.  This was the time for Mommies to come visit, and learn the proper way to do hair and make-up.  Mommy had no problem with any of this, as she's been doing it well for a few years now.  Madison has quite a bit of hair to manage, but it's all tucked in quite nicely.

After ballet was another parent event at the school, the final one of the year.  There were some summer learning activities, and also quite useful:  the Hampton Park Library's upcoming summer schedule.  It's always nice to take advantage of the things going on there, and Madison enjoys attending each one.

And just like that, we were home.  It was a pretty full day for Madison, who didn't spend much time at home.  But we did get a lot done here and there, and Mommy enjoyed her day as well, doing exactly what she would have wanted to do.  She got a few cards, also a few in the mail.  Madison and Daddy got her some cards - and an extendable backscratcher, just the thing.

We'll do a nice dinner or a date night in the upcoming week.  Right now, we're pretty busy with tricky scheduling with Madison and other events upcoming.  But the day was still nice, where there's a nice feeling once you've gotten a good amount of work done.

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