Friday, September 27, 2013

Round and round

Madison ran about nine laps today, which sounds pretty good, doesn't it?  The Fund Run was fun for her - she wore her blue shirt and put on a pair of sneakers, getting ready for the big day.  Daddy didn't get to see it, but she did her running this morning, and all of us were quoting Forrest Gump left and right.

Tonight she was racing Daddy too - we were playing an indie game with little go-karts.  She won one of the races, and had one of the best taunts I've heard.  She turned to me and said, "Poor you!"

Indeed!  This week Madison and her class were talking about "wordless books," with are essentially picture books that tell a story.  They even sort of made one up.  In that spirit, Daddy found a couple of wordless books that we have at the house.  There's an author named David Wiesner who has created a few books that tell wonderful stories with the use of some amazing artwork.

"Flotsam" was the one that captured Madison's attention tonight before bed.  Daddy of course was sort of narrating things a bit, but Madison could see the pictures and figure it all out.  The under-the-sea fantasy pictures are wonderful, but her favorite part might were the pictures-within-pictures.  A child would take a picture of herself holding a picture of the last child taking a picture of herself holding a picture taking a picture of himself holding a picture... and so on and so on.  She thought that was a neat idea - maybe we'll try it some time!

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