Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Legendary Mithril Disco Phial

Today was pretty much a work day for Daddy, although we did do a few adjustments to Madison's bedroom.  We have more to do in there, but for now we've hung up two silhouettes - at Disney a few years ago, Mommy had one done.  And so did Madison.  Also put on the wall:  a sticker above her bed from Disney, about dreams.  It's surrounded with a bit of flourish, and sparkles.  She loves it already.

We had our piano class today, where Madison was learning a bit of rhythm:  she and her friends were on their own little lillypads, leaping like frogs from one to the next - all in rhythm.  This was done to their song, "Frog in the Bog," which Madison can play very well by now.  More practice is coming, but she seems to be on top of things so far.  No tears or frustration yet!  Not that I'm expecting any...

We had another game of checkers, where Daddy keeps trying to show Madison certain strategies.  Eventually we'll get up to the big leagues, where we can have epic matches in front of Cracker Barrel.

Speaking of food, Mommy made some delicious, delicious, delicious cream of mushroom soup today.  Our friend Josh gave us a whole bunch of mushrooms, and Mommy made the entire soup from scratch.  It was a bit of an experiment, but it was a rousing success!

After eating a bit, we went for a quick drive:  we were wanting to make sure of the location of Madison's tennis practice tomorrow.  We found it, and it was indoors just as advertised.  However, it is not on a tennis court as we were thinking.  Still, it's considerably cheaper and it is indoors.  So our thinking is that this would be a good way for Madison to get a taste of what it's like to play tennis.  If she gets more of an interested developed, we'll take it further.  And, of course we have our tennis courts in the neighborhood to play on, so we're good there.

We did return to Middle Earth for a bit today - a reward for such a great performance in piano (and spelling for her teacher at school!).  We went to Bree, where we hooked up with the blacksmith there.  He made some neat stuff for us there, but the one thing that has captivated Madison the most is the mithril disco phial.

This is a legendary piece of equipment, first forged from the burning inferno.  It was hammer time!  The Blacksmith of Love announced, "Burn, baby, burn," as he used the elements of earth, wind and fire.  Thus, the mithril disco phial was birthed, containing the musical magical properties of funk, jive, and getting down.  These properties give the user extraordinary power:  anyone who uses this has absolute disco power.  The user of this - be it a hobbit, an elf, an orc, a human, or even a dwarf - can make anyone around him instantly bust a move.  Indeed, as Madison used her character Rosie the Hobbit to wield said magical phial, all the inhabitants of Bree were compelled to break it down, dancing around like "they just don't care."  This is apparently the highlight of the game thus far.  It has inspired stories beyond the game - Madison's "make up story time" in the car, and at home, involves all the bad orcs chasing after and battling for the mithril disco phial.  After all, he or she who uses it has complete control over those all around.  Such power must be worth fighting for!

By the way, the disco song played is pretty surreal - lots of techno of course.  But there are samples of the tree people talking, and Gandalf screaming, "You shall not pass!"  Pretty surreal, which is right up our alley.  Madison loves it - this thing cracks her up!

So tonight as I type this, I'm singing the theme song to myself, sort of wishing it would go away.... but it won't!


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