Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tooth Fairy Magic

Look at this nice card the Tooth Fairy left!  It's a neat little card that has a picture of the Tooth Fairy on it, along with al title note:  "Glad you found your tooth!  Here's a little something special for you!  Love, the Tooth Fairy"

Yesterday, Madison temporarily lost that tiny little tooth, and according to Mommy, there was some desperate searching going on.  No tooth = nothing to put under your pillow.  Fortunately, it was discovered, and as you can see, the Tooth Fairy left a card, and some change under Madison's pillow in the small bag.

LOVE this time in a person's life.  Madison woke up and said very loudly, "OH MY GOSH!"  She was so excited to see the magic in her room - it was almost as special as Christmas morning!  Daddy didn't get to see her reaction, but he certainly heard it down the hall - she was so thrilled!

The day went on from there with Madison going off to school, and Mommy and Daddy staying at home to do some work there.  Daddy was writing the devotional (only three days to go!), and Mommy was doing work around the house.  We watched another circus movie, "Trapeze," which was okay.  So far, we've seen several circus-themed movies, including an interesting one with Peter Lorre and Vincent Price.  Believe it or not, it wasn't a horror movie!  We even saw an episode of Scooby Doo that took place at the circus - a villainous clown is hypnotizing people and trying to shut down the circus.  Anyway, the research goes on!

So does the piano practice and the homework.  Today's letter was "E," so we looked up a bunch of "E" words, cut out pictures and pasted them on a collage.  We even got a picture of Elvis, of course.  After that, we played more Superhero Squad - Daddy splurged and bought Captain America, Bucky and the Red Skull, so we had fun playing that game together for a while.

Tonight before bed, we got really close to finishing the latest Tinkerbell book.  I think we're on chapter 26 now, so things are about to wrap up.  Madison has enjoyed hearing these audio books at night - I think it's a good habit.  Also a good habit is prayer together:  Daddy nearly forgot, so it was good to hear Madison call out, "Prayer!"  Yep, we've got to do that before bed!

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