Monday, January 28, 2013

Bubble Wrap Couture

It was Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day once again, so in celebration, Mommy and Daddy made Madison a nice top made completely of bubble wrap!  You can see her looking stylish above, posing - and later popping!  Yes, she pretty much popped every single bubble you see there.

It's funny what occasionally serves as entertainment to a youngster.  This is not new ground, and yet we still go out and invest heavily in electronics and other complex toys.  When all that's needed from time to time is a sheet of bubble wrap.  Or a box.  For Madison, larger boxes are extremely entertaining.  She climbs into them and shouts out, "Special delivery!"  She'll cut pieces of the box up and create islands to hop across the hot lava in the kitchen.  Or she'll make a boat out of the box.  Sometimes, she just sits there in the box with the lid closed, her eyes peeking out of a tiny hole to watch television!

It was a school day, and a relaxing day for Mommy and Daddy.  Daddy did a lot of proofing, although still not completely done with the two books.  Mommy was cleaning house a bit, doing laundry and so forth.  When Madison got home, we were back at the piano, and also reading some books.  It's nearing the Chinese New Year season, so we've been getting a little more Chinese culture in, here and there.  After doing our homework (this week's letter is "w"), we watched "Mulan," and Daddy even set up the Brookstone foot bath for Mommy on the couch.  While we watched, Madison had to try it out as well - I think she enjoyed it more.  This may be because the water is kept so warm by the device - the weather has been chilly outside, appropriately so.

After "Mulan," Daddy popped in another audio story:  "The Emperor and the Nightingale."  It was read by Glen Close, and had some beautiful Chinese music to support the tale.  Daddy even had a picture book from the story available, so we were looking at pictures as we listened.  It was very nice - and the nightingale's music was very soothing.

Not quite ready for any more work, instead of watching anything for "research," we again continued our romantic comedy marathon.  Tonight's feature after Madison was in bed:  "Hitch."

It was another nice day, although we went to bed a little later than usual.  I think after Madison goes to school tomorrow, we both might take a quick nap!

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