Saturday, January 12, 2013

Half Day

We cancelled our trip to Legoland because of the flu epidemic, but by gum, Daddy wasn't going to spend an entire day at work - not when he stayed up late the last couple nights in order to get some work done in advance.  So this morning we woke up late, and played games, and opened the doors and windows wide:  the weather was very warm outside all day.  We had a marvelous lunch:

Mommy makes this fast seem like it really isn't a fast.  You don't miss meat and sweets that much with Mommy cooking!  We had a wonderful morning together, playing with stamps again and doing some drawing.  We played a few games as well, although Daddy had his eye on the clock:  work still needed to be done at the office, so away he went for just a bit.

Coming home, we had another surprise for dinner:  Mommy made butternut squash soup, which is so tasty and filling!  We had dinner, and watched a movie together:  "Madagascar 3."  Yes, the circus-theme continued for us, although this time none of us were wearing a circus afro.  This is a really fun movie, easily the best in the series.  We saw it a few times over the summer, but returning to it now was fun, as we're about to do a big circus series for children's church.

We've ordered a few more circus movies, but they haven't arrived yet.  So tonight after Madison went to bed, Daddy actually plugged in the James Bond movie, "Octopussy."  It may be Roger Moore's best, and it's a movie Daddy grew up watching.  That's the James Bond some of us older folks miss, although the new one isn't that bad.  For the record, Daddy's favorite James Bond movie was "The Living Daylights," with Timothy Dalton.  I remember actually watching that one at a drive-in theater.  We've got about five James Bond movies in our house, and they're mainly for Daddy. "Goldeneye," "For Your Eyes Only" and "Tomorrow Never Dies" are the other favorites.  "Goldeneye," in particular was a favorite, because of the video game of the same name.  When we were a lot younger, we used to play that four-player game over and over and over and over and over again.

Okay, so you may be wondering why the sudden watching of that movie?  It's because James Bond goes to the circus.  Seriously.  I was looking for video clips or any ideas, which is what we generally try to do when popping in these themed movies.  The other purpose is that it gets us a little more fired-up and into a series theme.  But it was so great seeing Roger Moore slide down that bannister towards the end of the movie, blazing away as the James Bond theme music swells.  And, of course, the hot air balloon...

James Bond:  "I trust you can handle this contraption, Q?"
Q:  "It goes by hot air."
James Bond:  "Oh, then you can."

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