Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You Can't Handle the Tooth!

Madison finally lost that top tooth - it's been wiggly, and frankly pretty weird-looking, just hanging there.  She's spent the last week fiddling with it, and Daddy's been waiting anxiously for that thing to just come out.

Daddy and Lance (pictured above) picked up Madison from school when she made the big announcement.  She had just gone to her new after school enrichment class - it featured arts and crafts, and she had a great time.  She walked out of the school carrying her artwork, as well as her 100 Eye Monster.  And, in her hand was a zip-lock bag that had a tooth inside.  Yes, the Tooth Fairy is coming back tonight!

We snapped that photo up there as soon as we got back to the house, showing the big hole in Madison's teeth.  We did this just before having another delicious soup that Mommy made - she's been on a roll lately with some tasty fast-friendly meals.

We're supposed to get some ice this weekend, but we'll see about that.  We're pretty skeptical here in Georgia, it seems.  "I'll believe that when I see it!"  Of course, a few years ago, we got a lot of snow - and that's what we dream of seeing.  We don't need it over and over again, but it would be nice to see one or two days each year where the snow falls down heavy enough to go out and play.  There's still time this winter, so we might see some before it is all said and done.

In the meantime, we're just simply cold.  Tonight, Daddy did a lot of work at the church, although he's been pretty busy writing for the upcoming circus series.  Still lots to do, but it's starting to come together okay.  The good news is that we're all starting to feel better, for the most part.  Mommy has been having a few problems, so hopefully we'll see her recover by this weekend.  That's what Daddy is praying for, anyway.  We're all so tired of Mommy's recovery process from years ago, obviously Mommy the most.  Lord, let this be the year we see her recover and never look back...

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