Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Heeee's Back!

Okay, so we got the clown back in the mail.  A mysterious package arrived on our porch, from someone named "Bad Santa."  We opened it up carefully, full of curiosity - and you can see above what was inside.

This was from the bad gift exchange on New Year's Day.  We thought we'd never see this guy again, and in some ways actually hoped we'd never see it again.  This might take the prize for worst bad gift for the bad gift exchange.  Ever.

Obviously, this came from Ye-Ye.  And we'll have to get him back, too!

Today is Wednesday, which means Daddy spent most of the day at work.  Madison spent most of the day at school.  And Mommy did a lot of cleaning up around the house.  We were off in separate directions, although Madison came home right after school - there aren't any enrichment programs yet, so she came home, working on some of her fashion plates.  Our neighbor dropped by - she's selling girl scout cookies.  Oh yes:  we got some thin mints on the way!  Daddy can eat an entire box of those without realizing what he's just done.

Service tonight went well:  continuing our Showtime theme, we drew lessons from the movie "Ice Age 4."  It was a decent movie, although not the best.  Still, it made a lot of money, which makes you wonder if they'll just keep making them.  "If it ain't broke..."

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