Monday, January 10, 2022


Our yearly church fast started today with a lot of excitement, and a very important message for the kids at KidPak.  We modified things in such a way this morning so that the kids heard a message quite similar to what the adults were hearing in the main sanctuary.  In fact, Maddie was up there at the first service today, and then down with KidPak this morning so she got to see both services.  Matthew 6:33 is our overall theme, and within that one scripture are three points that were perfect for a message at KidPak.  It was a good day, with some screaming and excitement about Bible trivia, and of course an important message.

We got home and Mom had our butternut squash soup there, our first meal of the day at about 2pm.  It was delicious as always, and filling too.  It was a nice warm meal on a cold and rainy day, and just perfect.  Maddie went upstairs to get a shower, and I sat on the couch watching a few things with Nana, including this show about tiny houses.  I don't know if I could live in a tiny house, unless I got rid of a lot of stuff.  That would be an interesting challenge.  But we also watched the first episode of "The Chosen," which was an interesting television program we heard about.  The first episode introduces Mary of Magdalene, Matthew, Simon, Andrew, and Nicodemus too.  I'm already happy with the character of Nicodemus, a pretty important person in the history of the world.  He's the guy who asks a question that leads to the most famous scripture in the Bible, John 3:16.

Anyway, I headed to a prayer service after that, rounding out the first day of our fast.  It was a good service, and even though the rain was cold and miserable, there were plenty of people present, all of them fasting, praying, and seeking.

We got home after that, and it's also a season of watching a few things leading up to the lunar new year, where we watch movies the feature Asian stories and characters.  Tonight, we returned to the story of Shang-Chi, the first time we've seen this since watching it at the theater.  It's really a great movie!

Bedtime came earlier tonight, as tomorrow morning we're finally back in school, the first time at school in person in the year 2022.  We still made time to read before bedtime, and we prayed too.  And after that, Mom and I stayed up reading in bed - I'm still glued to this Grant book.  Soon enough, it was time for us to get to bed early too - tomorrow will come early.  It was a good day today, a good start to our fast.

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