Monday, January 10, 2022

Doing Stuff

So I recently discovered that "Iron Chef" episodes are streaming on a particular channel that we have, and I'm remembering how much I love this old show.  I'm talking about the original series way back when.  We were watching "Red Snapper Battle" tonight, and I had a huge grin on my face the entire time.  Somewhere in my t-shirt collection, I have an "Iron Chef" t-shirt that I wear from time to time.  I'll have to pull that one out again.  I've been sort of looking for something to binge, and seven seasons of this might be the ticket.  With Christmas movies pretty much wrapped up, we watch the occasional movie with an Asian theme or something new, but one thing we're picking up on again is the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." series, which we watched tonight.  Maddie and I were catching up in the middle of season four, and we'll probably keep that going until we get to the end.  We've seen all of these before, of course, and with seasons one through four, we've seen each episode multiple times.  Last year at Easter, Maddie got seasons six and seven, so we'll be repeating those for the first time when we get to them.  

We had taekwondo tonight, and Maddie was swinging around a sword again.  She's not as fond of the sword as she is other weapons, even though it may remind everyone of a lightsaber from time to time.  Still, it's a challenging thing to swing around, and not quite as fun as other weapons.  Obviously the staff is her favorite, which you'll see her practicing with again as she continues with Team Edge.

The Star Wars tree is down today, and so are the wreaths on the windows.  I brought down a lot of the boxes to the basement, and a few trees too.  Things are lined up down there, slowly getting organized.  Maddie had school today too, of course, and I picked her up before taking her to taekwondo.  That involves waiting in the car line for about a half hour or so, but I've been so into this President Grant book, plugging along through his administration and learning quite a bit along the way.  

This morning I was working on a St. Patrick's Day Escape Room idea, and even working on graphics for it.  The idea is to do this game when we have a gathering with the family somewhere around St. Patrick's Day.  Hopefully this will turn out fun, but I've got some good ideas, and it'll be fun to create.

Mom's been making some great fast-friendly meals, including this pea soup today.  I had that, and went over to the treadmill for my daily walk - today's destination was somewhere in Death Valley.  I was listening to Carman while walking along some deserted ghost town.

Tonight at bedtime, I bought some Gladiators tickets for Maddie and myself.  Hopefully we'll be able to go, despite some interesting weather coming up soon.  We read from our Kingdom Keepers book tonight, and prayed after that.  It was a fairly uneventful day, but a nice one!

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