Sunday, January 23, 2022

Get a Clue 2022

We were back on Baker Street today with a return to our series, "Get a Clue."  It was a fantastic start to a new KidPak series, and although we've visited with Sherlock Holmes and company two times before, this was a special start with an all new cast of characters.

And once again, you can see these costumes that Mom had put together this week, many of them just yesterday.  They came out well, and our opening skit was just right today, as John H. Watson introduced a few of the Baker Street Irregulars to the audience, and eventually Sherlock Holmes himself showed up.

It was a great morning.  Maddie has been working on her British accent all week, and she did very well.  All the kids did really well, honestly.  The entire cast had their lines down, and delivered them perfectly, creating a world onstage that was so much fun.  There were laughs and there was a mystery too, and of course a Biblical bottom line.  Maddie was a newsie, a role I developed for her because of her love of "Newsies."  She was selling "papes" and letting everyone know the latest news, even things that aren't in the paper.  

It was a solid service, with great animated videos, plus a great message that continued our theme of searching and seeking, which of course is our church's fasting theme.  

We got home and Mom had a nice lunch set up for us.  I had this mushroom and onion gravy, along with potatoes and eggs too.  We started to watch a movie, but Nana had a little fit and that got shut down pretty quickly.  She was just wanting to wander around outside in thirty degree weather, and she's not completely recovered from the recent illness either, still coughing occasionally.  She just wanted to sit outside on the chairs, even if there aren't any cushions, arguing with everyone that it isn't that cold outside, when everyone present knows it was in fact a pretty chilly day.

Fortunately, I was able to get Maddie over to youth tonight, and it was a great night there for her.  I was at home afterwards doing another jigsaw puzzle with a cat.  Speaking of which, we have this neighborhood cat that seems to really like coming to our house lately.  Maybe it has something to do with Mom and Nana feeding him all the time, but now that it's cold outside, he sits at the door until someone lets him in, and sure enough, he finds a quiet comfy spot and this afternoon he was taking a pretty lengthy cat nap.  

Maddie enjoyed FCY tonight, plus the fast-friendly snacks they had.  The small groups and the large service were great, and I was back there to pick her up.  It's quite cold outside now.  Mom and Nana have been binge watching this British baking show, which seems to hold Nana's attention.  Maddie and I aren't really interested in it, especially after three or so hours.

We read tonight, and we prayed too.  This morning's KidPak services were a highlight of the day - the game's afoot!

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