Monday, August 24, 2020

Threshold for Preposterous

Phil Coulson used a phrase tonight that I thought was terribly appropriate, if one were to follow social media as of late.  He said he didn't have a hard time believing certain supernatural things going on in his life lately, simply because his "Threshold of Preposterous is way out of whack."

We're right there with you, Phil.  I think if one were to list the escalated preposterous threats we've faced this year, we're certainly at that threshold.  We started out the year with a pandemic no one expected whatsoever, except perhaps, some folks in China and maybe elsewhere.  We've got race riots too, although based on the fact that there are people literally destroying and burning down places owned by those of their own race, I'm not entirely sure what that's about.  Let's go ahead and call that preposterous too.  We had people worried about murder hornets.  We had mysterious packages of seeds from China that for some reason were unsettling to people.  We have two possible hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico at the same time. And now we're hearing about a possible asteroid strike the day before an election.

It's all been one story after another, each one with a focus on something that we should be fearful of, collectively.  It's a threshold of preposterous, and we're all somewhat acclimated to preposterous now.  Some grab hold of each story and embrace the fear within.  Others laugh at it and make memes about each new perceived threat.  

Fortunately, we're a little busy at the moment to have to worry about things like asteroids.  Ba-Ba had his procedure today, and is battling stage four cancer, and we're praying for a miracle.  In all of this, even at the threshold of preposterous, we're trusting in the Lord with all our hearts, and not leaning on our own understanding.  Because clearly, there's no much to understand lately!

We had leadership today, more staff work there at the studio.  Madison enjoyed that.  She enjoyed the Spanish quiz she had on the alphabet too, something she said she had no problem with.  Tonight, she was studying algebra when she got home, getting ready for a quiz tomorrow.  We're in the thick of things at school now, really getting going.  It's good to see school back, and so many other people willing to go.  You can't stay in the house and be afraid forever.  Eventually, you have to come out of the house, right?

Anyway, it was a nice day for us, although a standard "work" day with classes and office work and so on.  We said our prayers and read tonight, and we're looking forward to next Sunday when we can all meet together at church again, and add even more normalcy, and hopefully begin to push back that threshold of preposterous to where it once was.

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