Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A Look Back at our Two-Year Old

You can see who showed up for the Zoom meeting today at top center.  I always have to do things a bit different.  Actually, I'm in the shot at top right - we're back in the office this week, and it's so great to be together, at least a little together.  We're working on our reopening, and an outdoor service upcoming, as well as the usual services too.  Got a lot done today!

Madison was having fun at school too, something she's getting used to.  A friend of hers from church, Beckham, is having to spend the next two weeks at home.  One of his classmates has the virus, so everyone has to stay at home, and is even being asked to get tested, regardless of if they have symptoms or not.  This is in Gwinnett County.  He's bummed about it, as Madison would be too.  She loves going to school.

She's learning the Spanish alphabet now, and learning how to pronounce it as well.  She was also working on her dinner invitation assignment today as well.  Tonight, she went to piano class once more where she is now learning a new song to play - we'll be hearing that more often around the house now as she practices.  Homework is a thing now, and she's been very prompt to get it done the best she can.

We had a lot of rainstorms today, some powerful ones further north and further south of us.  We frequently see that, where the might of these storms misses us, sometimes the rain completely missing us as it goes north or south of us at the last possible minute.  Tonight we did get a sufficient amount of rain, so that was nice.

We got home and Madison was in the mood to rejoin the binging of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," so we got back involved with that season five, hating the Kree people, at least the ones in this season.  Actually, I don't know too many Kree that are good guys.  I know that might not be politically correct there, but most of the Kree that I'm familiar with are complete jerks.

We watched our heroes deal with the Kree a bit, and there was a certain bit of satisfaction at one point when the good guys started to get the upper hand.  It's a bleak season, but things are starting to turn around for the heroes.  

Reading tonight continued, from our devotional and from "Allegiance."  But Madison read about forty pages of her favorite book, "Lost Stars" as well.  I finished up "Forever Red," a book about Black Widow that Madison may want to read some time.  It's got a sad ending to it, and despite the slow middle portion of the story, the book picked up momentum towards the end and was worth reading after all.

It was a good day for us. We said our prayers and were fast asleep not long after this.  Mommy was having some difficulty lately, and we're hoping we can get back to a rhythm of sorts where she doesn't have to get up so much.

Recently, we've been doing some straightening up of files on computers, and I came across something we called "Madison Year One," which is basically a slide show of our first year with Madison.  We had this playing in the background, looping, as a part of her first birthday party with us.  Anyway, I cut out the bits of this video that showed things that have already been shared here.  You can see the slide show of our trip to China to meet Madison right here.  And you can find the slide show of pictures of Madison in the orphanage before we met right here.  But we'll close this entry with this slide show of pictures below, a collection of pictures taken from August of 2008 to early June of 2009, pictures showing Madison at different points of the year when she was just two.  It was sweet to look back on this, and you might enjoy it as well.

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