Friday, August 21, 2020

Whale Maze

I'm working on this handout to go with the devotional and giveaways when we have outdoor church next weekend, and the word search part was easy to make thanks to an online word search generator that's super easy to use.  One fun thing I like to do with all the word searches I make for KidPak or anything really is this:  put Madison's name in there somewhere.  It's never listed, but it's always in there, as it is above.  The other thing was this whale maze I made.  I saw a lot of mazes online, but I was somewhat concerned about copyrights and so on, so I just decided to go ahead and make a maze myself!  I drew the maze, scanned it, and then added a few enhancements and plopped it there into the sea with those fish that Josh created a few years ago.  I even drew the arrows in the original, although I probably should have just plugged those in later, as arrows are fairly common shape to use with graphics.  The maze turned out well anyway - we were watching "Back to the Future," and I was drawing this as we were watching.

One reason we're watching "Back to the Future" is the strong possibility that we'll be returning to that KidPak series soon enough.  It was called "Time Travelers," and it was super fun, but it was directly tied to the fact that we were there in October of 2015, and that's the year Doc Brown and Marty McFly traveled to the future.  As my birthday is there that month, I got the greatest birthday gift at the time, a box set of trilogy, one with a light-up hologram of the flux capacitor on the outside.  On the inside were a few booklets, the movies, and hours and hours of behind-the-scenes footage, plus the entire animated series as well, which I've never seen.  BUT there is a Christmas episode, so we may have to watch that one this year!

Anyway, we watched this one tonight, which inevitably will lead to the two sequels this weekend.  The reason we were watching this was to sort of get into that frame of mind again, and see about any thoughts for a devotional for KidPak.  We didn't do a devotional last time, so this would be a great opportunity this year to add that to the series.  

It was a work day today, one at the office.  I was prepping for new series, cleaning the office a bit, and also closing down the old series, "Northern Lights," at least getting everything printed and saved for posterity.  Meanwhile, Madison was at school, and having a good day.  This was the end of the first full week, and things seem to be settling down somewhat.  Despite all that's going on in the world, students at her middle school seem to be doing okay, largely, despite the new rules and structure.  They're making it work, and Madison is certainly grateful to be at school and not at home doing things online, as some others are.  

She's been reading her book "Lost Stars" again, for the third time in fact.  She's also picked up a copy of the book "Percy Jackson:  The Lightning Thief."  She may be reading that one as well, simultaneously.  She got that from the school library, her first visit of the year.  She wasn't quite sure what to pick up there initially, and then she remembered this book series.  We may be visiting that one, or Mommy has been interested in hearing the next book of the Artemis Fowl series.  We'll see!

It was a nice day today, although a wet one.  We've been getting a lot of rain today, the whole state drenched with steady all-day downpours.  We prayed tonight, and of course we read as well.  It was a good day, but we'll be up early tomorrow for a few things, so it's off to bed now.  Goodnight!

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