Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Guacamole Tuesday

Today was a rainy day!  It was the steady, wonderful kind that sounds like music in the trees, a favorite tune of mine.  It was all over, an inescapable dousing of water, and nothing torrential.  Just constant, a gentle watering that lasted throughout the day.  We've gotten plenty of rain thus far, and the week promises to give us some more, but I have no problem with this sort of rain, at least on days where I don't have anything extravagant planned outside.  

In fact, the only thing actually planned today was Taco Tuesday.  Mommy made some wonderful tacos, and a guacamole that was so good we simply had to finish it all up tonight.  Mommy and I relentlessly attacked it with our chips, but Madison wasn't as interested.  She had one taste of the guacamole and decided that it tasted odd, and shelved the idea of trying it again for a while.  Some day she'll come around to our side about guacamole.  Some day she'll come around to the right side!  

Tonight Madison was working with nunchucks again, and by her own admission she was going to "have some bruises later on."  She was doing quite a bit on her form, and then kicking from the ground at attackers, one of the self-defense focuses of this upcoming cycle.  It was a fairly full class in regards to activities, and full in regards to students too.  It's good to see!

I was working on letters for this weekend and handouts for this weekend as well.  Got both of them done.  Madison, meanwhile, was doing well on her algebra quiz.  She's been doing Georgia studies too, discussing the impact of transportation on the state.  I guess that means boats and trains early on.  In science, it was a discussion of neutrons and how to find out how many are in each element.  Poor Hydrogen. 

So far, she's doing well in school, although there aren't many grades in yet.  It's way early in things.  I believe she has all A's and one B.  Again, it's super early.  But she's enjoying school, and so far, she's not having too much of a hard time understanding anything.

We got home tonight and of course we went straight to "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." for a bit.  We're rapidly approaching the end of season five, which leaves us in a quandary, as they haven't released seasons six or seven yet.  Of course, we've seen these when they actually came on the television.  But we're binge watching the series again, so there might be a substantial pause between seasons five and six here.  

Ba-Ba was in the hospital today for a blood transfusion, one that was decided upon yesterday after they went ahead and did a procedure with him.  He still keeps his spirits up, but he's definitely battling.  Mommy has been talking with him a lot on the phone, and on the computer as well.

We prayed for Ba-Ba tonight, and all others who are battling sickness.  We prayed for our nation too, and we read from our devotional and from our book we've been reading each night.  It was a nice day, and it's good to be back into a steady rhythm with school and after school activities.  We fell asleep tonight rather easily, the sound of rain outside calming and relaxing our spirits as we drifted off to sleep.

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