Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sentimental Layers

We've been doing some digging in the basement, and they aren't sedimentary layers but instead sentimental layers we're going through, including all of these booklets that we've been collecting over the years.  Lots of stuff in the basement, and we're not there too often.  It needs a bit of excavation and archeology!  But there are large areas to walk around in and get digging.  We've got all of these jewel cases of CDs, which some day may become a relic of the past, but for now they take up a good bit of space.  Similar, the DVD and blu-ray movies take up a large amount of space.  We'll have to do some organizing there, and maybe sometime soon we'll start moving some of these as well.  There are all kinds of books and crafts and toys, and so much of it we haven't actually used in some time.  Lots of stuff to move around downstairs!  We're also going through the pictures we've found - so many memories.

Tonight we had our usual taekwondo times two.  Daddy was spending the entire time talking with other parents.  We've got a good sized small group here, parents of Free Chapel kids who happen to be training for taekwondo.  Meanwhile, Madison is training hard and working towards that belt.  She's got excellent form and her high kicks keep getting higher.  Occasionally you can feel a small whiff of air behind you, and sure enough, she's done this high kick in the air and her foot came a few inches from the back of your head.  She does this to me frequently because, and I quote, "you're my dad."  Apparently that's one of those things that you get to do as a daughter:  insane high kicks towards your dad.  Ah, the blessings of fatherhood.

Tonight we watched another episode of "Agents of "S.H.I.E.L.D." - just one though.  Two classes and dinner do not leave much time for anything else by the time we get home.  Besides, Mommy was wanting to watch the President speak tonight, the conclusion of the RNC.  There has been quite a difference in tone this week from the other convention last week.  But I suppose that's expected.  There were quite a few fireworks tonight too, huge ones all over Washington DC.  And... there were more riots.  Is that par for the course?  Are we supposed to just expect riots the rest of our lives?  I'm not entirely sure what the endgame is here, but the rioting does come with a lot of wear and tear.  It seems as if everyone but the rioters are sick of it.  There comes a point where the rioting is so every day that we sort of get used to it and it loses its effect.

Moving on, we were getting ready for Sunday's outdoor event, with lots of stuffing of bags.  We were making bags for KidPak kids, and though we're not having a service, we'll be there to greet the kids.  They've been seeing us all online from week to week, so it'll be great to see them in person.  We have booklets to give to them, ones that are specific to this one series we're doing.  We've also got plenty of other things too, and we were putting all that into one bag, and slapping a KidPak sticker on the front.  It'll be great.

We also cleaned up the office a good bit today, and it's starting to come back.  The Great Slump of 2020 is about to end, and we're about to enter a new season.  We prayed tonight, praying for healing, praying for a change in the atmosphere, and praying for the world to enter a new season of hope.

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